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GHETTO BUS? UK Launches New Bus Route So Jews Can “Feel Safe”

It’s sad but unsurprising that antisemitic incidents have surged in London to the point that the government has launched a new bus route to help Jews “feel safe” when they travel.

The new 310 route will run every 20 minutes between Stamford Hill and Golders Green, eliminating the need to change buses in the high-crime area of Finsbury Park.

“I was struck by the conversations I’ve had in recent months with the Jewish community,” London Mayor Sadiq Khan told BBC London. “They were frightened because of a massive increase of antisemitism since Oct. 7 of last year. I was told stories by families who, when they changed buses from Stamford Hill to Golders Green at Finsbury Park, were frightened about the abuse they had received. We’ve heard stories about Jewish Londoners not leaving their homes because they’re worried about their safety. I don’t want any Londoner to be scared to leave their home because they’re worried about public transport.”

“I think we’ve got to recognize the fear that Londoners feel who are Jewish; we’ve got to recognize the tremors of hate that are felt by Jewish people across the country. We’ve got to be good allies to our Jewish friends and neighbors.”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan meets members of the Jewish community at the start of the new 310 bus route in Golders Green (Photo: Mayor of London)

The number of antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2023 was the highest in history since the data has been recorded, according to a report by the Community Security Trust. And most of the incidents took place before the advent of the new Labour government, which just made an outrageous decision to suspend 30 arms export licenses to Israel on the day that the levayos of six hostages murdered in cold blood by Hamas were taking place.

Khan speaks to Rabbi Dovid Lichtig, who is looking forward to taking the bus from Golders Green to his Stamford Hill office. Also pictured is Andrew Lord (left), head of TfL and Andrew Gilbert, vice president at the Board of Deputies (second from right) (Photo: Mayor of London)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. That’s a great bus to take and will save people thousands also think saw on Google map how the satmer school is right next to a Jewish woke place and so now they have no blind to the torah

  2. Has nothing to do with anti semitisem.

    Have been campaigning for years for a direct bus between Stamford Hill and Golders Green.

    This is just Mayor Sadiq Khan trying to gain maximum political spin out of it.

  3. Great thing. Might it be worthwhile to have Shomrim organise security people on the buses, maybe letting riders contribute to the expenses through their phones, as an extra precaution? They’ll know.

  4. If the government of Great Britain is unable or unwilling to stop attacks on Jews, such a decision is reasonable. Of course if a government is unable or unwilling to protect Jews, one should ask if Jews should live or visit that country (a question we probably should start asking about many cities in the “blue” parts of the country).

  5. Even if all the antisemitism were miraculously to disappear, this bus would still be a wonderful and much-needed service for the Jewish community. It’s like the Borough Park-Williamsburg bus.

  6. The new BUS 310 route is a great idea,but since the main danger is the changing of busses at Finsbury park especially at night why on earth did they stop the busses running at 7 pm,the 310 should run to MIDNIGHT, to keep safe the wedding goers between Golders Green and Stamford Hil.The second problem is why didn’t the route run from Brent cross Shopping centre to cover all the way along GOLDERS GREEN ROAD.

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