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Kamala Harris’ Election Would Defy History. Just 1 Sitting VP Has Been Elected President Since 1836

The U.S. State Department expressed strong opposition on Tuesday to Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s proposal to construct a synagogue on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, a site of significant religious importance to both Jews and Muslims.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller criticized the plan, stating that the creation of a Jewish house of worship “on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount” would show “blatant disregard for the historic status quo” concerning Jerusalem’s holy sites. Miller further warned that Ben-Gvir’s “reckless statements and actions” could fuel chaos and heighten tensions during a time when Israel must remain united against threats from Iran and its proxy groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah. “They directly undermine Israel’s security,” Miller added.

Ben-Gvir’s remarks came during an interview with Israel’s Army Radio on Monday, in which he insisted that Jewish prayer is allowed on the Temple Mount. His comments were quickly countered by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, which reaffirmed that the Temple Mount’s policy is determined by the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating, “There is no change to the status quo.”

The “status quo,” established after Israel recaptured Jerusalem’s Old City in 1967, allows Jews to visit the Temple Mount but prohibits them from praying there. Despite being repeatedly questioned during the interview about whether he would build a synagogue on the site, Ben-Gvir responded affirmatively, saying, “yes.”

Ben-Gvir’s comments have drawn international condemnation from Muslim-majority countries, including Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. The Temple Mount, known as the Haram al-Sharif to Muslims, is Islam’s third-holiest site after Mecca and Medina. It is also the holiest site in Judaism, believed to be the location of the two ancient Jewish Temples.

Miller reaffirmed the Biden administration’s commitment to maintaining the status quo and urged Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to ensure the policy remains in place. “Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Office has made clear that the actions and statements of Minister Ben-Gvir are inconsistent with the government of Israel’s policy,” Miller said, adding, “It is critical that the government of Israel continue to ensure its policy is adhered to.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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