Dirshu Daf HaYomi B’Halacha L’Bochurim Ignites the Hearts of Thousands of Bachurim!

What is it that unifies thousands of bachurim in over 20 Mesivta camps?  What is it that gives so many boys a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, teaching them to maximize their time and increase their Torah knowledge in such a delightful way? 

It is none other than the Daf HaYomi B’Halachah L’Bachurim program. Each summer since 2014, the program aims to cover a section of halachah that come up regularly throughout a bachur’s life, yet he may not otherwise take the time to learn. This year, the program focused on Hilchos Kiddush. The Dirshu team makes the limud easier to understand and apply to daily life by printing a sefer so beautifully divided into daily sections with a summary.  Dirshu also arranges for most camps to have a maggid shiur teaching the halachos each day, giving the bachurim the opportunity to learn it properly from an adam chashuv.  

For most bachurim, the limud is an investment of no more than 25-30 minutes daily.  However, the ramifications are immense. Against the backdrop of the scenic mountains, the bachurim acquire new yedios hatorah. They learn how they can accomplish something big by simply putting in just a bit of time each day. They feel good about themselves, and this propels them to even greater heights. Many voluntarily invest extra time to chazer and take a test.

Last week, the bachurim at some participating camps had the zchus to receive a personal visit from Rav Hofstetder. In his derashah to the bachurim, Rav Hofstetder told them how impressed he was with their enthusiasm for extra learning, and their derech eretz. He also shared that growing up as a young boy many years ago, the landscape was far different. Frum camps were few and far between, and the level of learning was generally nothing like in the numerous learning camps we have today. “Without doubt, Hashem derives tremendous nachas from you precious bachurim.”

This beautiful Bachurim’s Daf HaYomi B’Halachah summer program is a microcosm of the many yearlong Dirshu programs. Rav Dovid explains, “The overarching goal of Dirshu is based on one common denominator, and that is to help each person maximize his potential. Hashem gifts each human with so much ability, unique brain power, time, and resources. Our goal is to encourage each one of us to use these presents from Hashem for His service, in the very best way possible. We understand it is a challenge, so we offer incentives. However, if you ask any veteran Dirshu member, he will readily tell you that the incentives are not the drive. The true drive is the huge sipuk, the sense of accomplishment, that one feels about himself; about his yedias and havanas haTorah previously thought unattainable. There is also accountability through graded bechinos, which help each participant know where he is holding. 

The huge hatzlachah of this year’s program surpassed that of previous years, and will b’ezras Hashem be surpassed next year, when even more camps sign on. 

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