CHASDEI HASHEM! 8-Year-Old Tzion Maron Found Alive And Well By Rockland Chaveirim In Flagstaff, Arizona Forest

BREAKING UPDATE 2:18 PM: Tzion Maron, the 8-year-old boy who went missing on a family trip to the area of Lava River Cave in Coconino National Forest in Flagstaff, Arizona, has just been found by Rockland Chaveirim members who were flown in by Hatzolah Air early this morning to join the frantic search, sources confirm to YWN.

B’chasdei Hashem, Tzion is in good condition, and is currently being checked out by Hatzolah Air paramedics and Hatzalah of Los Angeles members at the scene before being transported to a local hospital for evaluation, out of an abundance of caution.

Tens of thousands of Jews around the world have been waiting with baited breath for a positive update on the missing child’s whereabouts, with massive amounts of tefillos and tzedaka given over the last number of hours in his zechus.

חסדי יהוה כי לא תמנו כי לא כלו רחמיו

Chaverim Of Rockland volunteers along with Hatzolah Air, Hatzolah of Los Angeles Members, and others who participated in the search dancing when the boy was found.

CEO and Chief Pilot of Hatzalah Air thanks Rockland Chaveirim and local law enforcement for their incredible work on finding missing 8-year-old Tzion Maron in Flagstaff Arizona.

Tzion’s grandfather, who was davening at the kever of the Ribnitzer Rebbe, speaks after finding out grandson was rescued.

Original story continues below. 


An 8-year-old Jewish boy went missing near a cave located inside a forested area in Flagstaff, Arizona, on Wednesday afternoon, prompting a large-scale search effort. At around 6 PM, Tzion Maron of Baltimore was with his family at the Lava River Cave in Flagstaff when he walked in an unknown direction from the entrance to the cave. He has not been seen since.

Hatzolah Air has joined the effort and has flown a plane piloted by its CEO Eli Rowe with a team of highly trained search-and-rescue professionals from Rockland Chaveirim and advanced equipment. The aircraft landed in Arizona just before 10:15 AM, with the team expected to join the ongoing search within the hour.

Sheriff Louis Falco of Rockland County Sheriff personally called the Coconino County Sheriff’s Department to apprise local law enforcement what Rockland Chaveirim is and does so that the process of incorporating them into the search mission goes smoothly.

In addition, Rockland Police Liaison Hershy Margaretten and Rockland Chaveirim Coordinator Yossi Margaretten have been intimately involved with the efforts, coordinating between law enforcement in Rockland and Arizona to ensure the success of the search team’s emergency deployment.

Additionally, Hatzolah of Los Angeles is driving a mobile command center to the scene, and numerous volunteers are heading to the scene. Rabbi Dovi Shapiro from Chabad of Flagstaff and Rabbi Moshe Lobal, a rav in Scottsdale, are at the scene as well, assisting the family and coordinating with law enforcement.

A team of volunteers from various Baltimore organizations has been assembled to head out to Arizona to join the search. An urgent fundraiser has been launched to assist with associated expenses. Click here to donate.

The search for Tzion was hampered by heavy rains on Wednesday night in the area, with full-scale operations resuming early Thursday.

Chabad of Flagstaff is taking care of all the food for the search and rescue teams and organizations that have joined the effort. Donation to support their work can be made here.

As of 1:45 PM, the first Rockland Chaveirim search and rescue personnel had begun their operations at the scene, including the deployment of a drone to search for the young missing boy, and Hatzalah of Los Angeles had set up their command center at the scene.

Please daven for the safe return of Tzion ben Chaya Rivka.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. When you say Tehillim for Zion ben Chaya Rivka, please have in mind Hirsh ben Perel Chana (who has been missing for 321 days in Gaza), and ALL Yiddishe sons and daughters who need to be back home….

  2. Whoever goes on Hikes with children or teenagers, whether parents or a camp, should always first inform the Hatzalah the location and all parameters of the place they are going to. Every summer the Hatzalah wastes a lot of precious time mapping out the place.

  3. Ader
    Thank you for your most insensitive hurtful suggestion at a difficult time like this. You’re blaming the victim instead of sympathising and suggesting that Hatzolah really doesn’t want to help here. Couldn’t be further from the truth. You can save your mussar and very smart suggestions for other times

  4. At 12:39 New York Time [9:39 az. time] just about 2 hours ago the grandparents Rosenwassers from Monsey contacted a messenger to the Rimanover Rebbe Shlita Harav Chaim Eluzer Wassertheil SHLTA and requested his assistance, the Rebbe wrote the boy’s name, and ten minutes later the Rebbe Shlita assured to them the child is doing fine a bit tired and hungry but will be fine and the Rebbe will do something in that the child should be found shortly, the Rebbe contacted Mr. Gertner from the westside and Directed him were to search, B”H an hour later The child was found!

  5. מי כעמך ישראל – just look at how we all come together כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה

    What an amazing result b”h 👏

    Highly successful collaboration between all the מתפללים, Chaverim and Hatzolah

  6. You wanna really waste Hatzolah’s time? Send them the summer hiking plans of every member of Klal Yisroel and tell them to map them all out.

  7. I can’t stop crying after seeing this beautiful news. I am generally a very cynical person, not at all a tyh nation type. But what kind of nation sends out planes from different states, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars of resources and time, to find one missing boy. I am sure all these people had other things to be doing with their time, like the rest of us. But that is Klal Yisroel. So as much as we like to complain about the things that aren’t perfect with today’s dor and communities, I’m proud to be part of this great nation.
    ,אֵין שׁוֹמֵר כַּה׳, וְאֵין שָׁלֵם כְּבֶן עַמְרָם

  8. Please continue to have in mind Hirsh ben Perel Chana (who has been missing for 321 days in Gaza), and ALL Yiddishe sons and daughters who need to be back home….

    Ish Emeth says:
    August 22, 2024 3:12 pm at 3:12 pm
    Let daven with the same passion for the rest of our brothers and sisters, we see it works!!
    Here is a list of names just pick one and daven with the same passion for one name on the list:

    Yehi Ratzon – Shenizkeh Lishmoa Od Besurot Tovot!
    Shabbat Shalom

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