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HATERS: Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Crash Agudah Antisemitism Event At DNC

Agudath Israel hosted an event on the sidelines of the DNC in Chicago bringing together elected officials and stakeholders from federal, state, and local government including, Senator Debby Stabenow (D- Michigan), NJ Governor Phil Murphy, NJ Congressman Josh Gottheimer, NY Congressman Pat Ryan, Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiss, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, and numerous state and local officials from across the country to highlight the alarming rise of antisemitism and the growing electoral strength of Orthodox Jewish community.

Agudah Chairman Shloime Werdiger opened the jammed packed event with a straightforward explanation:

“The Jewish people are living though very trying times. As the banners around the room sadly show, the rise of antisemitism is extremely alarming. The identifiable Orthodox Jewish communities we represent have been subjected to an unprecedented level of antisemitic incidents over the past few years.

“You may have noticed that outside of this convention, not too far away from here, there are thousands of anti-Israel protesters. Perhaps they thought they could intimidate us so that we would not be here so that our voices would be silenced. And that’s exactly why we are here. We are the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, and we will never cower or be silenced. On the contrary, we intend to stand up for our rights and for our freedoms, and we need you to stand with us now against this hate and antisemitism.”

Despite the event not being advertised and tightly controlled by invitation only, anti-Israel protestors nearly crashed the gathering before being repelled by the heavy security, ironically adding an exclamation point to the event meant to highlight antisemitism.

The most emotional moment of the afternoon came from the parents of hostage Omer Neutra, who made an emotional bipartisan plea to bring their son, held hostage by Hamas for over 10 months, home. Tehillim was led by Mr. Neutra.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. This was a bit like hosting an event protesting antisemitism under the Stalin Era at the National Convention in Moscow of the Communist Party

  2. Why weren’t those ugly Karens and Darens given a good beat down? I see they left without being identified or given a summons by “security”. I guess trespassing in Chicago is legal, if you hate Jews. Democrat operatives Merrick Garland and Chris Wray are still busy going after any white male that was within 10 miles of the Capital on Jan 6th. Only that was illegal. I get it.

  3. The headline says the protesters (terrorists might be a better word), “crash” the meeting, but the article says they were stopped by the security. Who were the security? Were there any arrests?

  4. Seems like suddenly covid makes an appearance at every protest.

    I imagine Agudah there to hedge bets, which maybe smart.
    Still no heter to vote for dems after all the indifference and achzorious shown, let alone the worst economy vs the 4 years of peace & prosperity we had with Trump.

  5. The masks are on the face, but truth is now UNMASKED!

    20 years ago people thought they wanted a 2 state solution.

    Today, the truth is unmasked: from the River to the Sea, they want a 1 stare solution.

    Or even a 0 zero state, to be perfectly honest. They don’t care about Palestine.
    Just no Israel. That would be too big of a problem for the world.

    So they try to either get rid of Israel, or convert them. Same thing.

    Israel as-is cannot exist.

    They don’t look at it the way we do: that Israel is against the Torah (secular democracy) and doesn’t have a right to exist according to the Torah (“the land will vomit you out”)

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