THE LIBERAL PLAN IS WORKING: Hispanics Account For More Than 90% Of US Population Growth Since 2020

(AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)

A recent analysis of Census Bureau data reveals that the Hispanic population in the US grew by 3.2 million from the start of the pandemic to mid-2023, accounting for 91% of the country’s overall population gain.

This surge, driven by increased immigration and shifts in births and deaths, has contributed to a “diversity explosion,” according to demographer William Frey.

The US population increased by 3.4 million during this period, with the Hispanic population driving this growth. In contrast, the White population declined by 2.1 million, primarily due to more deaths than births. The number of Americans under 18 also dropped by 1.6 million, largely driven by a decline in White youth.

Looking ahead, Hispanic and non-White groups are projected to make up 44% of the population by 2030, with Hispanic residents comprising one-fifth of the total. By 2050, one-quarter of the population will be Hispanic, and over half will be non-White groups.

The shifting demographics will have significant implications for society, including local politics and the labor force. Integrating the increasingly multiracial population will be crucial for the nation’s economic well-being, Frey emphasized.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Imagine if during the 1930s and 40s as Jews were immigrating to the US in record numbers a headline reported “the liberal plan is working”. The US has had many different periods where immigration came from different places: the Irish, the Germans, the Vietnamese, and yes, the Jewish. As a nation in galus from our homeland we should be sympathetic to people who also had to come to a strange land escaping problems in their home country.

  2. Disgusting headline. More immigrants mean a stronger work force less upward pressure on wages and less inflation. It is abhorrent to see a so called frum site engage in blatant race bating that would befit racists.

  3. More immigrants equals more workers a stronger economy and a larger tax base. If liberals put America ahead of racist passion then that is a good thing. Though honestly there are some good conservatives as well

  4. Are you commenters crazy? Look who is being voted in due to the illegals being here! Liberals who are destroying the country, that’s who are in power since we have the people from South America invading the US. They have destroyed their countries and are now destroying ours.

  5. Why does orthodox american jewish media just launder GOP/Russia talking points. I am genuinely so concerned for you guys.

  6. Anonimity86,

    How nice if headlines back then reported, “the liberal plan is working” and Jews were allowed into this country. Unfortunately, the plan implemented by the liberal FDR, whose anti-Semitic Democrats controlled Congress for most of his Presidency, resulted in millions of Europe’s Jews being denied entry then brutally murdered. The woke liberals want to see the same happen to millions of Jews in our times.

    Their open immigration policies are only intended to bring them more votes with no concern about the criminals and terrorist who flood this country.

  7. “Why does orthodox american jewish media just launder GOP/Russia talking points”

    Actually, YWN is an equal opportunity “laundering” site in terms of it skewing headlines in BOTH directions. A website’s ability to charge ad rates sufficient to stay in business requires “user engagement” which is a simple way of saying that readers’ stay on the website for longer time and exposed to the banner ads on the side of the news stories. Overall, YWN uses its editorial discretion in creating headers for its news stories that over time seem to create some buzz in the direction of both GOP and Dem readers. There are some sites are almost universally skewed in one direction Same for the creative selection of stock photos that go with the headlines. Thats the reality of internet news sites.

  8. Most Americans of African, Asia or European descent prefer to have conspicuous consumption rather than having children (with a handful of religious minorities as the major exceptions). What is saving the United States from became a dead zone of old people with no “next” generation is immigration, and the fact that one group of immigrants (“Hispanics”, who are for the most descended from indigenous peoples of the Americas, and who also tend to be religious fanatics who have children, at least in the first generation) produce kids.

    While Jews have reason to be wary of anyone coming from a Spanish cultural background, “Hispanics” are closer to American Indians than those who destroyed the Spanish Jewish community over five centuries ago. Almost all Hispanics know Spanish (at least as a second language, in the case of those with indigenous mother tongues), so they will have little trouble picking up English. They also have a reputation of being hard working (at least in the first generation, before they become Americanized and then tend to get a bit lazy and monolingual Anglophones).

  9. Yes it’s working. Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Biden plan to bring in illegal criminals to be able to vote, abuse our systems that once worked well is working!

  10. There’s nothing frum or moral about racism and this site should know better than to post such an article. We care what the people do (7 mitzvos) not whether they came off the Mayflower. It’s a sorry state of affairs when one has to actually remind others of something so basic. And this is coming from a very traditional conservative.

  11. Also, why is this a “liberal” thing? Hispanic immigrants are more likely that other immigrants, or most Americans for that matter, to be “homophobic” (anti-LGTBQ), pro-family, pro-religion and capitalist (they come here to get rich by working, not in hopes of getting welfare, and most are refugees from socialist countries).

  12. These MILLIONS of ILEGALS clog the health care system by using the emergencyroom as their healthcare providers and currently millions of Americans are being denied basic healthcare services because the governmentis busy paying the bills for the illegal freeloaders. They have caused the taxes to skyrocket due to their children are in public schools and because the government is providing more and more free sercices for them. They are because the Democrats have literally opened the borders for people who overwhelmingly vote for leftist policies to get the freebies that is costing the US to sink further and further in debt.

    Being against illegal immigration has nothing to do with racism. You are buying the mainstream media lies that resenting mass illegal immigration and the problems it is causing the US is about racism. It is about MASSIVE ILEGAL immigration and the problems it is causing our country, including hundreds of thousands of dangerous criminals crossing over our borders. If we want to have foreign workers they need to be vetted before entering the US, their kids cannot become citizens automatically, and there needs to be an annual limit of how many temporary foreign workers are allowed in yearly. You posters who claim it’s “racism” to be against this MASSIVE INVASION of ILLEGAL ALIENS are making this into a racism issue don’t care about the facts on the ground which is that this great country is disintegrating in front of our eyes one of the primary reasons being due to massive illegal immigration.

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