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ALWAYS THE JEWS: Venezuelan Dictator Nicolas Maduro Blames Israel For Civil Unrest After He Stole Election

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is claiming that “Zionists” are behind the civil unrest in Venezuela following the disputed July 28 elections, which he almost certainly lost. In a Saturday address, Maduro alleged that the “extremist right” which is claiming victory in the election was “financed” and “supported by international Zionism.”

“All the communication power of Zionism, who controls all social networks, the satellites, and all the power behind this coup d’état,” Maduro said.

US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt condemned Maduro’s allegations as “absurd” and antisemitic, stating, “The Venezuelan people have gone to the streets to peacefully call for their votes to be counted… We reject all forms of antisemitism, and the use of these types of age-old tropes fans the flames of Jew hatred in Latin America and throughout the world.”

Protesters have taken to the streets to dispute Maduro’s claims of winning a third term, with opposition leader Maria Corina Machado calling for police and security forces to stand by the protesters, not oppress them. Meanwhile, Attorney-General Tarek Saab has opened a criminal investigation into opposition candidates Edmundo Gonzalez and Corina Machado for allegedly falsely claiming to have won the election and inciting disobedience.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Venezuela Timeline:

    1992 Venezuela became the 3rd richest country in the Western Hemisphere.

    2001 Venezuela voted for a Socialist President who promised “income equality”.

    2004 All private healthcare in Venezuela is completely socialized.

    2007 All higher education in Venezuela becomes “free”.

    2009 Venezuela’s Socialist government bans all private ownership of guns.

    2012 Bernie Sanders praises Venezuela’s “American Dream”.

    2014 Venezuela’s Socialist government imprisons its political opponents.

    2016 Food and healthcare shortages become widespread in Venezuela.

    2017 Venezuela’s Socialist government suspends their Constitution and elections.

    2019 Venezuela’s Socialist government massacres its unarmed citizens.

    2024 Venezuelan dictator Maduro blames Israel for civil unrest after he stole election.

    All of these things can also happen in the USA!

    All we need to do is vote for The Democratic Party,
    and the USA will become just like Venezuela,
    because the Socialists are now
    the leaders of The Democratic Party.

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