The Torah and Halacha Revolution in Smaller Communities Across the World

In recent months, several remarkable events transpired that highlight the impact Dirshu is having on Klal Yisrael. Just before Shavuos thousands came together at the Prudential Center to encourage and celebrate the fact that Klal Yisrael was undertaking to learn hilchos Shabbos and since then hundreds of thousands have indeed begun to learn hilchos Shabbos. 

Indeed, the impact made by Dirshu is most visible when witnessing their large events such as the one in the Prudential Center or the siyumim on Shas and Shulchan Aruch that Dirshu celebrates in a grand way as befits kavod haTorah

What many don’t see is the day-to-day impact that Dirshu has on smaller kehillos worldwide. Whether in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Charish or Afulah in Eretz Yisrael, the Dirshu revolution is transforming the Torah atmosphere of tens of smaller communities throughout the world. 

The Southern Israeli city of Netivot is a case in point. Recently, senior members of Hanhalas Dirshu visited the city and were very moved by what they witnessed. 

Rav Shmuel Montag, Rav of the Netivot community, related, “It is no secret that a number of years ago, the learning of halacha was very neglected. People simply didn’t have a geshmak in learning halacha. They didn’t have a framework and thus it fell by the wayside. What we have seen in the past few years is nothing short of revolutionary! There are tens of new halacha shiurim throughout the different battei midrashim and yeshivos in town! 

“But,” Rav Montag added, “it is not just halacha! I have seen how the recent addition of Amud HaYomi has enabled many who could not keep up with the Daf HaYomi to truly feel a chibbur, a connection with Torah sheba’al peh

Another fascinating meeting transpired at the home of HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Levi, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Schar Sachir and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah. 

In his conversation with Rav Hofstedter, Rav Levi thanked him for bringing so much limud haTorah to the city. Rav Levi then pointed out that although we see how, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, Hashem had great rachmanus in the ensuing fifty years by allowing Torah to be rebuilt in an unprecedented way, still, there were so many parts of Torah that were neglected in the early post Holocaust decades. 

“When I was a bachur,” Rav Levi said, “who learned Yerushalmi? Perhaps a few individuals. That was it. Today, Dirshu has programs where thousands are learning Yerushalmi and being tested on it. When we witness the increase in limud haTorah that is transpiring it is simply mindboggling! The same applies to Seder Kodshim. Who learned Kodshim? A few bachurim and yungeleit in Brisk. Perhaps a few hundred people throughout Eretz Yisrael. Today, thousands and tens of thousands are learning Kodshim and Taharos. The Torah revolution that we are witnessing before our eyes is not to be believed!” 

“There is no doubt in my mind,” concluded Rav Levi, “that Hashem gives special siyatta d’shmaya to certain individuals. Dirshu has been given that siyatta d’shmaya and we are seeing the results everywhere.”

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