HISTORIC: Rav Aharon Olshin, Rav Yeruchem’s Oldest Son, Delivers First-Ever Shiur Klali In BMG [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

Rav Aharon Olshin, the eldest son of Rav Yeruchem and the next in line to become a BMG rosh yeshiva, delivered his first Shiur Klali in the yeshiva today.

Rav Aharon is also the son-in-law of Novominsk Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yossel Mermelstein shlit”a. BMG officials told Lakewood Alerts that although this shiur is a historic first, there are no plans to install Rav Aharon as a full-time member of BMG’s hanhala at this time.

Other children and sons-in-law of BMG roshei yeshiva also delivered their own shiur following Rav Aharon’s. The BMG roshei yeshiva were in attendance for all of them.

7 Responses

  1. Very nice, but what’s historic?
    YWN you’ve turned yourself into “the national enquirer” with your ridiculous over the top headlines that often just take away from the story, very silly.

  2. @ Long island Yid
    yes its historic and beautiful.
    …and …if you would like to understand, please ask respectfully.

  3. @eli lev
    There was nothing disrespectful about what I said regarding the event.
    I was not mocking the event, I was mocking YWN for their ridiculous headlines they use

  4. lol BMG shiur klali when the ACTUAL roshei yeshiva are giving shiur looks nothing like this you’re lucky if you get a minyan. I think it’s very choshuv but at the same time dare I say a drop of a בזיון to the roshei yeahiva…. They’re sitting there looking at the crowd and thinking wow these ppl really exist

  5. Another fake YWN headline. Only one photo is included – not “PHOTOS”. You could say that I’m nitpicking, but we should call out their intentional click-bait lies.

    Questions: How many others spoke today? How much time did each get? Why is R’ Aharon shlit”a singled out for specific mention? I’m just curious.

  6. Hopefully the next generation shall abolish this insane Freezer policy, & will give Shiur Kellali in English so that everyone can merit to comprehensive these important Shiurim

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