Staggering $12 Million Raised In Bell Works For Eretz Yisroel’s Lomdei Torah As The Campaign Forges On

In an unprecedented display of unity and commitment, the Keren Olam HaTorah fundraising campaign event in Bell Works on July 24th achieved remarkable success as Hundreds of men and women rose to the occasion and turned out to raise money for the lomdei Torah of Eretz Yisroel.

This monumental effort, launched by the gedolim of Eretz Yisroel, is a beacon of hope for the yeshivos and kollelim facing severe budget cuts from the Israeli government.

The response from Klal Yisroel has been nothing short of inspiring. The event raised over $12 million towards its ambitious goal of $23 million. Close to 1,200 dedicated individuals signed up to become raisers, each taking on the mantle of ensuring the continuity of Torah learning.

Out-of-town communities across the United States are planning their own events and appeals, each contributing to the collective goal. The dedication and tireless efforts of our gedolim have ignited this unprecedented level of unity and participation as they underscore the urgent need to support our yeshivos and kollelim.

On the heels of the groundbreaking campaign event at Bell Works, the international community has launched its own concurrent campaign. The gedolim traveled to London this week to rally the European communities for this vital cause. Australia kicked off its part of the campaign down under with great enthusiasm, showing that the spirit of Torah knows no boundaries.

The words of Hagaon Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch resonate now more than ever: “This is not another fundraising campaign; it is the very survival of Klal Yisroel.” The gravity of the situation has been met with an equally fierce response, demonstrating the power of collective action and the unbreakable bond of Klal Yisroel uniting as one.

But the work is not done.

As Keren Olam Hatorah continues to strive towards the $23 million goal your support is crucial. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. The gedolim have asked that each person sponsor at least one avreich for a month, in the amount of $228, and if possible for a full year, at $2,736, thereby directly contributing to the future of Torah learning. Share this urgent message with your family, friends, and fellow community members. The more people reached, the greater our collective impact will be.

Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Dov Landau’s heartfelt bracha remains with us: those who help the campaign will be showered with parnassa, nachas, gezunt, and brachos ad bli dai.

Heed the call of our gedolim and be part of this historic movement to support over 50,000 bochurim and avreichim in Eretz Yisroel.

Save the future of Klal Yisroel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. I don’t understand. It is true that learning Torah can accomplish for the Klal even more than what we can do with our own hands. For instance it can fight a war for us instead of us having to go to battle. Than why are all these people sitting and talking on the phone? Let them open up a Gemorah and start learning, yes, right there.

  2. How come the Dati Le’umi manage to live a frum lifestyle while fulfilling national service and not needing all this pomp?

    What’s the answer for charedi bochurim who are floating around and not learning?

  3. @Ader, these are Balei Batim fundraising for the Yeshivos. Learning Torah doesn’t fund itself. HKB”H sends the funds, and this how the Gedolei Yisroel said HKB”H wants it to be done.

  4. @Lakewhut

    The Gedolei Yisroel have explained that it’s not only about the learning. Anyone who goes to the army is at serious risk of leaving yiddishkeit. It doesn’t matter where they are on the learning spectrum.

    Respectfully, Daati Leumi don’t live the same level of “Frum lifestyle” as our Bnei Torah.

  5. @ader – the same can be asked about why, in the Chareidi/Yeshivish community, there are so many organizations dedicated to finding THE medical expert for all different issues. I mean, even if hishtadlus is necessary, shouldn’t going to a regular doctor be enough? There’s definitely a certain level of disconnect.

    @lakewhut – that is a very good question. Some of it is definitely chinuch – in the DL community, serving is seen as a zechus – you are being mekayem the mitzva of defending the “Am Hashem haYoshev beTzion”, and those who go in via Hesder are in regular contact with and receive support from their Rabeim and Roshei Yeshiva – including while on active duty. It the Chareidi community, though, those who don’t sit and learn forever are seen as failures – so that firstly means you get more of the drop-outs from Chareidi society, and secondly that those Chareidi youth who join see themselves as second-best to start – which has a significant impact on the likelihood of their remaining Frum.

    What’s needed is a change of Chinuch and mindset both – it’s not necessary for Chareidim to become vocal Zionists or change their fundamental Hashkafa; rather, they need to see defending their fellow Jews as being a positive (after all, the Rambam calls it a Mitzvah), and have proper support from within their communities so that they feel that yes, by doing so, they are doing something positive.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. “Frum lifestyle” is correctly put in quotes because the dati leumi community in E’Y is quite different than the MO in America. If you mean Torah observant, the dati leumi are equally observant of halacha, especially in bein adam l’chaveiro and choshen mishpat. I work with a very chareidi population here in E’Y and the “frum lifestyle” you admire/ espouse leaves much to be desired. The real heros are not those drowning in the kinneret or getting dehydrated on tiyulim during bein hazmanim, they are giving shiurim and learning during their few free minutes between patrols in Gaza.

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