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STILL ALIVE: Jimmy Carter Has Not Died, Despite Viral Hoax Letter

Former President Jimmy Carter is 99 years old and still alive, despite a fake letter announcing his death that quickly went viral on social media platforms.

The letter, published on stationary that looks official, had some obvious markings of a fake. Specifically, the section supposedly extolling Carter’s accomplishments did anything but that. Read the boxed section below for yourself.

At least one news site fell for the hoax, making themselves look like fools. Had they just bothered reading the actual text of the letter…

This non-story is just another reminder not to accept at face value things that people publish online. While this is a particularly egregious example, there are numerous examples of fake news flyiny around every single day.

6 Responses

  1. The Preetzus contained in the fake letter is absolutely disgusting and is not meant for a yedisha neshama to read. Stop the spread of preetzus and putting disgusting thoughts in the yedisha mind that’s filled with Torah and remove immediately.

  2. Agreed @preetzus patrol.
    Disgusting how the yeshiva world posts such inappropriate content. On shiva asur b‘Tamuz no less.
    They really need to read the contents before they post. This is worse than fake news CNN.
    Yeshiva world is Jewish propaganda cnn

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