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HOUSE OF CARDS: Democrats Planning “Blitz Primary” To Replace Biden To Avoid “Democracy-Ending Defeat”

Two influential Democratic operatives, Rosa Brooks and Ted Dintersmith, are circulating a memo that outlines a plan for a “blitz primary” to replace President Biden if he can be convinced to withdraw from the race. The memo, distributed to party contributors, executive branch officials, and Biden’s campaign staff, proposes a rapid primary process before the Democratic National Convention in August.

Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor and former volunteer policy adviser on Biden’s 2020 campaign, and Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and deep-pocketed donor, argue that the party must act swiftly to avoid a “shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat.” The memo references Biden’s recent comment that he would only step down if the “Lord Almighty” told him to, saying “We need to act. Now.”

The plan requires Biden to abandon his re-election effort by mid-July and Vice President Kamala Harris to support an open primary contest. Six candidates would then advance to a campaigning period, followed by moderated forums hosted by cultural icons like Michelle Obama and well-known celebrities. Delegates would use ranked-choice voting to select the Democratic presidential nominee, who would be announced on the third day of the convention.

The memo’s authors believe this plan would allow the party to “forge an uplifting path” and find a stronger candidate to defeat Donald Trump in the general election.

On Monday, Biden sent a letter to congressional Democrats reaffirming his commitment to the 2024 race, despite growing concerns about his cognitive acuity.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. It is unlikely this could be done in time , and there is a real danger of a small number of activists picking an unelectable candidate. Mrs. Harris’s supporters would be much annoyed if she was bounced. The best way for the Democrats to avoid self-destruction is to support Mrs. Harris, and have her together with party leaders pick am electable Vice-Presidential candidate in a smoked fill room (which these days probably would not be tobacco). This alternative idea is so bad, that perhaps the Trump team came up with it.

  2. I can’t believe these democrats are falling for russian deepfake propaganda that Biden doesn’t have the cognitive ability to lead this country. If Biden doesn’t win it’s the end of democracy as we know it!

    Everyone who voted for Trump is a Russian sympathizer and should be arrested!

  3. The only way to save democracy is to force the guy who won the primaries (an election!) to step down and be replaced by someone who is not elected.

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