CROWN HEIGHTS: Eighth Grade Lubavitcher Bochurim Impress Litvish Roshei Yeshiva

How much are talmidim capable of?

A group of young bochurim had the privilege of meeting this week with two esteemed Roshei Yeshiva, where they demonstrated their astounding accomplishments in Torah learning.

The 13-14 year old boys had just completed two years of learning in Mechina L’Mesivta of Crown Heights, under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf. Geared toward advanced learners, the small 7th and 8th program offers students an opportunity to learn on a much higher level than usual, quantitatively and qualitatively.

Over the course of these two years, the talmidim had learned thoroughly: the entire Masechtos Gittin, Bava Basra and Sota; the whole Seder Noshim and Seder Nezikin of Mishnayos; all of Chumash Vayikra with Rashi; half of the Simanim in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch; 42 Perakim of Tanya and two volumes of Likkutei Sichos.

On Thursday, 21 Sivan, the bochurim were received by Rosh Yeshiva of BMG and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Rav Yerucham Olshin Shlit”a, as well as by the Rosh Yeshiva of YU and Av Beis Din of the RCA, Rav Mordechai Willig Shlit”a. They were farhered by each on the entire Masechta Bava Basra and Masechta Gittin.

The talmidim were joined by their Maggid Shiur for both Masechtos, Rabbi Chaim Polter.

Both Roshei Yeshiva were extremely impressed by the boys’ knowledge. Most of the talmidim could immediately identify the exact Daf and Amud any few words came from.

“I’ve never seen anything like this!” Rav Willig exclaimed. Rav Olshin praised the “budding talmidei chachomim.”

A special thank you is due to the Roshei Yeshiva Shlit”a, Rav Yehoshua Olshin Shlit”a for coordinating the test with Rav Yerucham, and all the others who were involved in coordinating the tests.

16 Responses

  1. If they learn Tanya all day, how did they have time to learn and know clearly 3 entire Masechtos of Gemara Gittin, Bava Basra and Sota, plus Mishnayos Seder Noshim and Nezikim (besides all of Chumash Vayikra with Rashi; half of the Simanim in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch; 42 Perakim of Tanya and two volumes of Likkutei Sichos)????

  2. Why wasn’t there a picture of all the rabanim and talmidim together? That might be too much to ask for.

  3. Very nice! Klal Yisroel have nachas from a moment of acdus of varied elements and hashkofos in Klal Yisroel.
    To the bochurim, shteig & be proud!

  4. Rebbitzen: Unless you are displaying ignorance of Lubavitch chinuch, they obviously don’t study Tanya all day any more so than BMG bochurim spend their days learning 770 different meforshim on the deeper meaning of Shnayim Ochazin B’Talis

  5. Uncle Ben, At the seder we do things just so that the children should wonder and ask questions. A “million” pictures which are mostly the same, caused the child to wonder and ask. These boys learned seder – entire seder noshim and nezikim plus 3 entire mesechtes of gemorah. That is quite a “seder”. Any more questions to add to the Ma Nistana? V’shinanten!!

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