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Judaica Store In Flatbush Is Victim Of Brazen Knife-Point Robbery; Shomrim Apprehends Suspect

A brazen daytime robbery at a Flatbush store was foiled thanks to the lightning-fast response of Flatbush Shomrim and the NYPD.

According to YWN sources, an individual armed with a knife entered “Judaica Place” on Avenue M between Ocean Avenue and East 19th Street, and threatened the store staff. The suspect then emptied the cash register, but a quick-thinking woman in the store immediately called the Flatbush Shomrim for help – dooming the suspect.

Shomrim responded in mere seconds, simultaneously alerting the NYPD to the situation. The suspect was quickly apprehended on Avenue M and East 18th Street, with the stolen cash and the knife used in the robbery still in his possession.

The suspect was quickly taken into custody by responding NYPD officers.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Thank you mayor Adams as well as your predecessors as well as the wonderful Democrat Party that controls New York City. You have turned a once great city into a gehenim hole.

    While we are thanking them, we have to take all you idiot voters who keep voting for the same people over and over and over again. Stop voting for the Democrats. Do you care at all about your city? Do you care at all about crime? Enough is enough!

  2. has woke Brooklyn DA eric gonzalez let him out yet? after all poverty made him do it. looks like a middle eastern asylum seeker

  3. That Jewish dude coming out of the yarmulka dressing room and sees an unfamiliar face, priceless. That closeup of the muzzle, couldn’t even plan it better. And also this is why cash registers should be locked shut. The easy going safe times are over

  4. That Jewish dude coming out of the yarmulka dressing room and sees an unfamiliar face, priceless. That closeup of the muzzie, couldn’t even plan it better. And also this is why cash registers should be locked shut. The easy going safe times are over

  5. They should immediately have taken the knife from him & Schechted him. Anything short of this constituted total lack of justice & a serious chance of a repeat of this brazen act

  6. 0:13 The two dopes hightail it out of there and leave the two little boys inside with the knife-wielding maniac.

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