WILLIAMSBURG: Petirah Of R’ Yonason Gruenzweig Z”L, One Of The Founding Members Of Chevra Hatzalah

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Yonason Gruenzweig Z”L, one of the founding members of Chevra Hatzalah. R’ Yonason was a visionary who, through sheer will and unimaginable efforts, assisted in establishing Chevra Hatzalah as the force of good it has become today, and which has benefitted countless people over the years.

The Niftar was known many years ago as “W-5”, which refers to “Williamsburg 5”, which is the neighborhood that the concept of Hatzolah as we know it today, was founded in by Reb Herschel Weber.

R’ Yonason is survived by dorei doros of askanim and bnei torah, who follow in his footsteps of dedications and devotion to others.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 12 PM Wednesday at the Adas Yirayim Chapel in Williamsburg, 93 Broadway.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. 1) Hershel Weber, Hatzolah founder, was from the (non-Hasidic) Williamsburg Viener Kehillah.

    2) Hasidim have no monopoly on Chesed. Who started the Jewish hospitals in New York that Hatzalah brings patients to? Non-Hasidim. Who started the Hebrew Free Burial Association, Free Loan Society, many other tzedaka and chesed organizations before many Hasidim came to the USA? Non-Hasidim.

    Truth, modesty, and humility, are great and fundamental Jewish values that should not be overlooked or neglected.

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