BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: Petirah Of The Kosover Rebbe, HaRav Shraga Feivish Hager ZT”L [LEVAYA DETAILS]

It is with profound sadness that YWN informs you of the Petirah of the Kosover Rebbe, HaRav Shraga Feivish Hager zt”l, a luminary for tens of thousands across the globe. He was 66 years old.

In January 2023, the Kosover Chassidus in Boro Park publicized that the Rebbe had fallen extremely ill and was in need of Rachamei Shamayim. In the subsequent year-plus, the Rebbe traveled to Germany for specialized treatments, which ultimately wiped out the disease, but left his internal organs severely compromised.

The Rebbe was hospitalized again several weeks ago due to organ failure, and had been back-and-forth between the hospital and home in recent days and weeks as his condition deteriorated. On Friday afternoon, a Minyan was gathered around his bed. He was Niftar over Shabbos.

Throughout his life, the Rebbe was a paragon of Shleimus and a shining example of Ameilus Batorah and sacrificing one’s self-needs and concerns for the sake of others. It was his Ehrlichkeit, specifically, that garnered him such wide acclaim, despite his Chassidus itself being relatively small.

Rav Shraga Feivish was a posek for Chesed Shel Emes and a product of Yeshivos, Chachmei Lublin, Ponevezh, and Bais Medrash Govoha.

The Rebbe left an indelible mark as a prolific Mechaber Seforim, penning seminal works such as “Avdah D’Malka” and the two-volume “Shabbos Malka Kadisha,” a masterpiece on the Kedusha of Shabbos.

As the eldest son of the HaRav Avrohom Yehoshua Heshel Hager zt”l, the Kosover-Zalishchiker Rebbe of Borough Park, the Kosover Rebbe continued his father’s legacy of wisdom, kindness, and unwavering dedication to his Kehilla and all of Klal Yisroel for decades at the helm of the Chassidus.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 11 AM Sunday at his Shul, 1353 55th Street in Brooklyn. The Aron will then head for a levaya at the Vizhnitz shul in Monsey, 25 Phyllis Terrace. There will be no hespedim at either levaya. The Aron will then be walked to the Vizhnitzer Bais Hachaim at 290 NY-306 in Monsey, where the Kevura will take place.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. NOT BARUCH DAYAN EMES. The words we should all say is RACHMANA LITZLON and HASHEM YISHMOR!!!! The rebbe was so young that he was taken from all of us untimely. May Hashem put a stop to this cursed disease of all good yidden and send this disease to all the bad politicians, UN, and Arab terrorists in a timely manner. אמן.

  2. YWN: PLEASE remove apikorsis “ys” comment. Everything Hashem does is for good and this is the brocho Chazal told us to say b”Simcha…

  3. @ccb45,

    You are 100% right, but i might mention as being dan lehaf zechut, that @ys did not mean what is understood from his comment, even though it is quite clear, he probably wrote it out of pain and shock, the Kossover Rebbe ztz”ll being now the third or fourth in less than a week of Gedoley Yisrael that were niftar, and it is definitely agreeable that we would want our enemies to be on the receiving end of these tragedies rather than the holy Gedolie Yisrael, but yes the wording was way off.

    Maybe @ys should write a new comment and confirm that.

  4. @ccb45 I am not sure who you are, but I am no apikoros. I am just stating facts. צדיק ורע לו , רשע וטוב לו. It is so true today. We see bad people living longer then righteous people. And even though we daven before Musef וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, Hashem should stop all the diseases from such people. Where is this? How do you respond to this?

  5. @ys you may be right in that point, but the word “not” baruch dayan etc should not have been written, your rightful desire does not mean that ch”v BDE is not so, of course it is.
    But thank you for clarifying what your true point was.

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