DEADLY SHOTS? New Study Suggests Covid Vaccines May Be Behind Many Post-Pandemic Deaths

A new study published in BMJ Public Health has sparked concerns about the potential link between COVID vaccines and excess deaths in Western countries. Analyzing mortality data from 47 countries, researchers from the Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit found that excess mortality has remained high since 2020, despite widespread vaccine rollout and containment measures.

The study reported over 3 million excess deaths in the US, Europe, and Australia since 2020, with figures remaining high in subsequent years. Researchers urged governments to investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. Documented side effects include ischemic strokes, acute coronary syndromes, and brain hemorrhages.

The study authors emphasized that every life deserves protection, and the same moral applied during the pandemic should apply in its aftermath. The researchers called for a thorough investigation into the causes of persistent excess mortality.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID since the pandemic began. The study’s findings raise important questions about the potential role of COVID vaccines in excess deaths and highlight the need for further research and investigation.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. This comes from the conspiracy theorists! The vaccines are safe and effective. Two legs bad four legs good. Meh Meh Meh!

  2. CA: Are you channeling your inner MTG? Reminder that “Operation Warp Speed”was developed and prompted by Donald John Trump and that EY was the FIRST country to push widespread vaccination. The overwhelming consensus in the post-Covid medical and public health peer-reviewed literature is that while the vaccine didn’t prevent infection (no vaccine does) it materially reduced mortality and morbidity, especially among the elderly and immune-compromised. This one study raises some interesting questions but absolutely does NOT suggest any causal relationship between the vaccine and any particular illness leading to death

  3. Fellows, so far nothing has been proven. And according to you, the doctors should have let the Covid rage without taking any measures. Aha, a great idea.

  4. “CA: Are you channeling your inner MTG? Reminder that “Operation Warp Speed”was developed and prompted by Donald John Trump“

    I’m surprised at you GH! According to you “orange man bad and never did anything good in his presidency”

    Even though he let it come about quickly he never MADE the vaccine

  5. Lostspark,
    When I become a posek on dinei nefashos , I will express an opinion regarding pikuach nefesh. I suggest others should follow suit.

    I asked my Rav what to do and accepted his psak. Hope others also asked their Rav and followed their Daas Torah.

  6. That filthy mass murderer Dr. Mengele Fauci, needs to be hanging from the gallows for crimes against humanity.

  7. The study that ywn quotes put out a statement, saying how new outlets like ywn are misreporting what the study said.
    Various news outlets have claimed that this research implies a direct causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and mortality. This study does not establish any such link. The researchers looked only at trends in excess mortality over time, not its causes. While the researchers recognise that side effects are reported after vaccination, the research does not support the claim that vaccines are a major contributory factor to excess deaths since the start of the pandemic. Vaccines have, in fact, been instrumental in reducing the severe illness and death associated with COVID-19 infection
    The message of the research is that understanding overall excess mortality since the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for future health policy, but that identifying specific causes is complex due to varying national data quality and reporting methods.

  8. As far as EFFECTIVE: You can’t vaccinate by injection against a single stranded RNA virus, especially while it’s fast mutating. Period. It never has been successfully done.
    As far as SAFE: I’m not even going into the massive peckele of now acknowledged as well as widely reported adverse effects. (You can go to OpenVAERS & VigiAccess on your own.)

    Unfortunately the lunatics where in charge of the asylum for the past four years.
    I don’t see any of the vocal doctors in our community during the pandemic being repentant.

  9. “Organge man bad and never did anything good in his presidency”

    True for about 99% of his actions until he realized that he could get about an hour of prime time TV coverage every evening by personally holding nightly press briefings on Operation Warp Speed. Who can forget those thrilling TV moments with his Covid Task Force lined up like puppets behind him as he ranted on how many fake N-95 face masks Jared Kushner had procured from China and how we protect ourselves by swallowing a few ivermectin pills (a medication used to deworm horses) and wash them down with a bleach cocktail while basking under some infrared lights to get that deep orange glow.

  10. I don’t know. I saw Moreinu Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt’l was vaccinated. Other major gedolim also vaccinated. When I saw that, I said do I know better than these gedolei olam?! That’s why I got vaccinated. I’m not sure what benefit this article serves. Should we now make people concerned? Is there anything they can even do?! So why post this article?

  11. YWN, that headline is very misleading, “DEADLY SHOTS? New Study Suggests Covid Vaccines May Be Behind Many Post-Pandemic Deaths.”
    The study does not suggest the vaccines were behind the deaths but suggests that there should be FURTHER RESEARCH as to whether OR NOT they may have contributed to excess mortality.
    “The study’s findings raise important questions about the potential role of COVID vaccines in excess deaths and highlight the need for further research and investigation.”
    Please read your article before adding the headline you want it to support.

  12. @mdd1,
    well yes, it is a great idea, if the only way to allegedly “take measures” is to push something that is untested, dangerous and only money money related.

    Fight the cold (sorry covid) as you usually would, stop the mass panic, and don’t try to push dangerous untested shots on people.

  13. Guys – you really need to have a basic foundation in research methods and statistics (in other words, university-level education) to interpret these sort of studies correctly.
    Yes, the article references another study which reported a higher frequency of adverse effects from the vaccine compared to the placebo. But when you look at the numbers, they hardly suggest that the vaccine is “deadly”. We’re talking about a handful of cases of adverse effects, out of a study sample of 10,000.
    Imagine 5 people out of a million die from taking a vaccine, compared to 1 person out of a million who took the placebo. Technically, this means that a person is 5 times more likely to die from the vaccine than the placebo. The uneducated person will read that statistic and come away with the idea that the vaccine is dangerous. An educated person will understand that 5 cases out of a million is still essentially zero, and the vaccine is safe.

  14. “True for about 99% of his actions until he realized that he could get about an hour of prime time TV coverage every evening by personally holding nightly press briefings on Operation Warp Speed. Who can forget those thrilling TV moments with his Covid Task Force lined up like puppets behind him as he ranted on how many fake N-95 face masks Jared Kushner had procured from China and how we protect ourselves by swallowing a few ivermectin pills (a medication used to deworm horses) and wash them down with a bleach cocktail while basking under some infrared lights to get that deep orange glow.“

    I can see how Biden is your man! You both misremember things

    The one that made daily briefings was Fauci and Cuomo one of them was De Niro!

  15. who wrote this trash? first, the actual population size is roughly 750 million people. second, using 4 years is simply to get big numbers. 3 million over 4 years is 750,000 a year. so, the actual rate of “excess deaths” is 1 in 1000, or 0.1%. and no other possible causes, such as reduced mental and physical health effects of quarantine, or overloaded healthcare facilities, were offered, let alone actually investigated. this is what is called “junk science”.

  16. Unfortunately, this is shoddy journalism, at best. As Eli Mansour and others have already pointed out very eloquently, this study has nothing whatsoever to do with evaluating the effectiveness or otherwise of the vaccinations for Covid-19.

    In fact, in the very same edition of the BMJ Public Health journal (3 June 2024) that is being referenced here, there is a scholarly article proving statistically the effectiveness of these vaccines. It is entitled:

    “Evaluating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness during pre-Delta, Delta and Omicron dominant periods among pregnant people in the U.S.: Retrospective cohort analysis from a nationally sampled cohort in National COVID Collaborative Cohort (N3C)”

    Here is the url for those interested:

    It is quite complex so I quote here only the basic conclusion:

    “Conclusions: Pregnant people with initial and booster vaccinations during pregnancy had a lower risk of incident and severe COVID-19 infections compared with unvaccinated pregnant people across the pandemic stages. However, vaccinated pregnant people still had a higher risk of severe infections compared with non-pregnant females.”

    It would be worthwhile to study the whole of that article to see how thoroughly they use the data to prove the undoubted effectiveness of the vaccinations.

    Gut Voch,

    Refoel Dovid Davis.

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