TRAGEDY: 1-Year-OId Infant Niftar After Being Mistakenly Left In Hot Car In Sderot


Tragedy struck Sderot on Thursday, as a 16-month-old infant was found unconscious and in critical condition  after being mistakenly left in a locked vehicle during hot weather.

First responders were called to the scene and found the infant in the arms of a civilian, outside the vehicle. The infant had no heartbeat, was not breathing, and was extremely hot to the touch. The paramedics immediately began resuscitation efforts, including cooling, massages, breaths, and medication administration.

The infant was transported to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon in a mobile ICU unit, but unfortunately, was declared dead shortly after arrival.

In response to this tragedy, MDA urged parents and school bus drivers to exercise extreme caution and ensure that all children are accounted for at the end of every trip. A simple scan of the vehicle can help prevent such devastating incidents from occurring in the future.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. BD”E, it’s a “VERY VERY SAD” thing to read or write for that matter, but what I don’t understand is, why is it that a bottle of milk a container of ice cream is almost on heard of to leave in a hot car but yet we hear “OVER AND OVER, YEAR AFTER YEAR ABOUT A TRAGEDY LIKE THIS” yea there is all kinds of excuses we are busy, we ran in for a second to pickup the shirts from the cleaners, my other child missed the bus so I had to take him/her to school. We are not talking only about this child, we lost דורי דורות of this precious נשמה. רבותי I’m begging you to PLEASE PLEASE “DON’T” leave precious דורות in a car especially a hot one.

    Thank you.
    May השם יתברך take away the “TERRIBLE PAIN” what this family and the rest of כלל ישראל is going through

  2. “bitochun”, you have no idea what you’re talking about. I assure you it’s far more common to forget the milk or the ice cream in the car than to forget a baby. Far more common. When it happens to someone, they clean and deodorize the car, and go back to the store for more groceries, and tell themselves to be less forgetful next time.

    Babies are left in a car, usually when someone has a change in their routine. They get out of the car in a location where they do not usually have the baby with them, and they completely forget that on this occasion they do.

    This is actually completely normal, a result of a problem in the way that human memory works, that usually doesn’t matter, but occasionally results in tragedy.

    (This is actually an argument against a Borei Olam Who designed us; it’s easy to explain how evolution could have made such a mistake in designing our brains, but how could the Borei Olam have done so? As usual with such questions, we have no good answers but only bitochon that He knew what He was doing, and a “better” design would have had other and worse flaws.)

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