MAILBAG: Dear YWN, Your Articles Are Rubbish And Accomplish Nothing Good

Your site takes great glee in assigning blame to President Joseph Biden for matters beyond his control, and actions which he did not cause – such as your site recently saying “Thanks, Biden!” when illegal immigrant Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, a 19-year-old from Venezuela, shot at two NYC police officers and they returned fire.

Additionally, your editor delighted in pointing out and drawing attention to the immature behavior of the person deliberately placed behind Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Congressional hearing, but your alleged “journalism” omitted that the person making faces and pouting was convicted January 6 rioter Brandon Fellows was seated behind Fauci. Fellows made pouty faces when Fauci was describing the death threats he, his wife, and his daughters have endured.

Dr. Fauci was director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, serving under seven presidents. President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the U.S., for his work on combating the global AIDS epidemic. His position as NIAID director put him at the center of U.S. attempts to grapple with Covid-19, and for his work on developing a vaccine, Trump awarded him a presidential commendation.

Who were the person(s) responsible for placing a convicted January 6th rioter behind respected and esteemed Dr. Fauci? Does the rubbish you publish contribute anything positive ?

Robert Kalfus

The views expressed in the letter do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. We all know Jan 6 was a mechanism used by the Democrats to launch political warfare against anyone who disagrees with them and faucis deep state ties only proves the conspiracy theories right

  2. Robert,

    Let’s take it one by one

    “Your site takes great glee in assigning blame to President Joseph Biden for matters beyond his control, and actions which he did not cause – such as your site recently saying “Thanks, Biden!” when illegal immigrant Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, a 19-year-old from Venezuela, shot at two NYC police officers and they returned fire.“

    Trump made illegals stay in Mexico whereas Biden let them in unvetted, how so? He could have kept stay in Mexico but didn’t, he could’ve made his recent executive order months ago but didn’t

    This is how it was Biden’s fault

    “Additionally, your editor delighted in pointing out and drawing attention to the immature behavior of the person deliberately placed behind Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Congressional hearing, but your alleged “journalism” omitted that the person making faces and pouting was convicted January 6 rioter Brandon Fellows was seated behind Fauci. Fellows made pouty faces when Fauci was describing the death threats he, his wife, and his daughters have endured“

    If someone is a convicted felon he should be in jail what was he doing out? Secondly there should have been an order of protection against him if that was the case

    I think the guy was an alien. 👽

  3. Sorry @YWN
    While this writer clearly needs to brush up on some logical reasoning, (yes, the fact that immigrants rampage through the streets shooting at cops may very well be blamed on Biden Policy), he DOES have a point regarding the sometimes amateurish and childish tabloid-style stuff that gets put out here…

  4. Robert Kalfus,

    You fail to see that Biden’s actions, as well as those of Fauci, have direct consequences. For instance, the illegal immigrant who shot two police officers is a direct result of Biden’s failure to secure the border. Moreover, Biden refuses to take responsibility, always blaming the previous Trump administration. Under President Trump, these problems were virtually non-existent.
    So, excuse me if I appreciate YWN’s bold journalism for correctly highlighting these failures.

  5. Robert – Very well said. Kol Hakovod for having the courage to speak the truth. The distorted and one sided “news” on YWN does nothing to enahnce the understading of complex issues. Instead it reduces everything to immature, childish and hateful soundbites. Sadly this issue is not limited to YWN and applies to many other sites as well. YWN would do well to take your concerns into account and begin to present news in an unbiased fashion and to present opinion from multiple viewpoints.

  6. Aside from the obvious – here’s the bottom line:
    Most people don’t read from publishers they think are “rubbish”, let alone write to them that it’s rubbish… You obviously do find some value in YWN despite your criticism (which many of us may have), so you want it to improve as you plane to continue reading.

    So: If that’s true, then you should write it as such, with some acknowledgment of the good. If this is not true – then just stop reading! why are you here? Good Luck

  7. What people need to realize is that this is not a news site; YWN is an entertainment site and therefore editorializes all its content to be most entertaining to most of its subscribers. Probably makes it no worse than other “news” sites, but at times the “entertainment” is a bit immature.

  8. A) The Biden administrator has destroyed this country and thrown the world into upheaval.
    B) YWN’s reporting is often openly slanted with very sloppy editing.

    Both things can be true.

  9. Lakewhut, saying “we all know” is as false as it is arrogant. Not everyone here believes or “knows” the same things that you do.

  10. To the letter writer, you correctly noticed that YWN doesn’t make a clear distinction between news and opinion, and I agree that is not good journalism, though I appreciate YWN’s willingness to publish your letter and I hope they take your words as constructive criticism.

  11. There is nothing wrong with a site that gives us news with some editorial slant and I would argue it’s a key purpose of such a site – especially in today’s day and age when the secular world’s media shows editorial slant, whether explicitly or in subtle ways, all the time, in ways that work against our interests. We need that moral clarity in a sea of journalism and world outlook that is losing moral and ethical direction. Always make sure that our editorial slants follow Daas Torah – the guidance of those who are most knowledgeable in what is in Hashem’s interest. That’s a big responsibility…

  12. “this is not a news site; YWN is an entertainment site..”

    I don’t think YWN considers itself an “entertainment” site although it does try to present news in a manner that engages the readership and provides some insights that encourages readers to return to the site. We obviously have multiple alternatives to so called “hard news” presented on a spectrum from far left to far right. I’d personally prefer that articles expressing an “editorial” slant be labeled as such and that those responsible for drafting headlines and choosing stock photos to head the articles show a bit more maturity and objectivity. However, thats one of the benefits of being the publisher…you get to set the rules of the road and that includes 100% control of presentation and content.

  13. When I saw the headline, I thought he was taking a bash at YWN for it’s sometimes ludicrously funny and pathetic superhyper clickbait headlines rooted in leftism or similar, but hey no!
    He came out that YWN is not lefty enough, with the accusation that YWN is not from the ‘educated enlightened idiotic ignorant stupid leftist masses’, and therefore their articles ‘rubbish’.
    I don’t see myself as necessarily a defender of YWN, but hey pull your socks up Rob, go fly a kite, and keep cool.
    The only reason why anybody hates trump these days, seems to be because they are scared of the blunt truth…
    (not that trump is some major tzadik, just compared to the others… well….)

  14. To Bshtei_Einayim:
    If YWN would be following daas torah, they would have to shut themselves down, as daas torah clearly and famously warns everyone to avoid internet usage unless for parnassah purposes and fully protected by filtering technology, etc. (we all know that, don’t we?) A “Jewish” social media site clearly does not fit that description, especially one that provides a platform which exposes thousands to opinions of spiritually deranged individuals full of midos mushchosos, apikorsus and bizayon hatorah, which certainly weakens the yiras shomayim of its otherwise frum readers, and sows confusion in the minds of those not yet at the proper levels of yiras shomayim. Besides the numerous slip-ups in presenting pictures containing pritzus, which are totally unnecessary in getting across the point of the articles. And, I might venture to point out: does anybody concerned about tznius notice the ads? There is a relentless advertiser who seems to be using the age-old goyishe advertising method to attract customers, by almost always presenting pictures of beautiful women (of course, fully dressed) who have found success with their “product”, and rarely pictures of successful men. Does this bother anybody, does it bother the YWN ad reviewer? Is this how a “frum” social media platform should conduct itself? (Of course, the question is on the advertiser as well).

    Of course, I expect someone to criticize me by asking: if I have such an attitude then what am I doing here on the internet, on YWN? And my answer is: You’re absolutely right! I really shouldn’t be here, but neither should you, or anyone else!

    May we all be zocheh to a true kabolas hatorah which truly gives Hashem nachas, and to the geulah sheleima b’korov. May we all have good excuses for Moshiach when he asks us to our face: Why indeed were you on social media? Oy Lo L’oso Busha, oy lo l’oso climah! V’lo yuchlu la’anos oso ki niv’halu mipanav!

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