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MORE PEACE ACTIVISM: Jewish Law Firm Vandalized With Pro-Palestinian Graffiti In Detroit Suburb

A Michigan law firm was vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti, which police are investigating as a hate crime. The Goodman Acker law firm in Southfield, a suburb of Detroit, discovered the vandalism on Monday morning. University of Michigan regent and attorney Jordan Acker, who is Jewish, condemned the act as “antisemitic.”

The vandals spray-painted “FREE PALESTINE” in black on the building’s walls, while “DIVEST NOW” and “U-M KILLS” – a reference to the University of Michigan – were painted in red on a window and sidewalk. Splotches of red paint were also left on the “Goodman Acker” sign above the building’s doors.

Southfield Police Chief Elvin Barren said that investigators believe the graffiti was left between 1:39 a.m. and 1:46 a.m. The FBI and other agencies are assisting in the investigation.

“Make no mistake that targeting individual Jewish elected officials is antisemitism. This has nothing to do with Palestine or the war in Gaza or anything else. This is done as a message to scare Jews,” Acker said. “I was not targeted here today because I am a regent. I am a target of this because I am Jewish.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The morning after the local frum community rallied together with local frum owned businesses and cleaned off the graffiti. Mi K’amcha Yisroel!

  2. This is in the heart of the frum Jewish community, smack in the middle of 10 Mile Rd, immediately adjacent to a Shul.

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