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Sheriff Jokingly Says He’s “Changing Teams” By Voting For “Convicted Felon” Donald Trump

Riverside County, California Sheriff Chad Bianco joked about “changing teams” and backing a “convicted felon” for president in Donald Trumo. Bianco’s comments come after former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week.

In the video message, Bianco criticizes California leaders for being “pro-criminal” and blames them for slashing corrections budgets, releasing prisoners early, and passing laws that hinder law enforcement.

Bianco, a conservative who has considered running for governor, lamented the state’s apparent affinity for criminals, citing their misguided belief that society is to blame for criminal behavior. He sarcastically suggested that maybe he had been “wrong” in his decades-long career of putting criminals behind bars.

“I think I am going to change teams… I think they’re on to something, but I don’t think they’re doing enough,” Bianco quipped He concluded by endorsing Trump, saying, “Trump 2024, baby, let’s save this country and make America great again.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Baruch Green of VIN News said:

    President Trump is now a convicted felon.

    He was found guilty by a biased jury,
    guided by a leftist judge who is a Biden donor,
    and prosecuted by a Soros-backed DA.

    Anyone who followed the trial knows that
    these charges were completely bogus.
    Fabricated. Manufactured. Made up from thin air.

    All Trump did was label the payments he made
    to a lawyer as “LEGAL EXPENSES”.

    There are no words to properly describe
    the level of travesty and corruption.

    SOURCE: article titled: “POLITICAL HOCK:
    This is a Dark Day for America” by Baruch Green
    2024 May 31 www (dot) VIN News (dot) com


    On 2024 June 2, Mr. Elon Musk said this on Fox News:

    “If a former President can be criminally convicted
    over such a trivial matter — motivated by politics,
    rather than justice — then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”

  2. As the Felon-in-Chief told Fox and Fiends over the weekend, “I never said Lock her up”, notwithstanding multiple video tapes of him saying exactly that, in some cases before the crowds began the chant. This ehrliche sheriff clearly has a warm spot for a guy who may well be sharing taxpayer-fund housing with a guy named Spike or performing public service by recording ads reminding younger voters to always “play it safe” when engaging in a Stormy relationship.

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