Boro Park Center Lag Baomer Event

By Idy Perl

Lag Baomer at the Boro Park Center is already a well-known special event. Every year the BPC residents and their family members get a full day of festivities in honor of Lag Baomer, and this year was no exception. The Berko brothers entertained the crowd of close to 200 residents and family members with lively singing and dancing. Fire jugglers, Tantzers volunteers and other entertainers delighted the crowd with their energy and tricks. 

Rabbi Waijsfeld shared words of chizuk and said that in R’ Shimon’s zchus, everyone at BPC will iy’H get a refuah and see yeshuos, which was answered with hearty ameins from the crowd.  

The beautiful weather was the cherry on top, and gave all BPC residents and their families a chance to bond and spend an enjoyable day together.

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