Hurricane Gustav Causes Rescheduling Of Republican Nation Convention

rnc.jpgSenator John McCain said changes to the Republican National Convention program will be made because of Hurricane Gustav.

On Sunday, the GOP presidential candidate toured the emergency management center in Mississippi, a state that could be hit hard by the approaching hurricane.

“We’re going to suspend most of our activities tomorrow except those that are absolutely necessary,” McCain said, speaking from St. Louis about changes to the RNC program. “It’s time to open our hearts, our efforts, our wallets to those Americans who are now under the shadow and probability of a natural disaster.”

McCain thanked Republicans for stepping aside from the convention party to pitch in and help potential hurricane survivors instead.

McCain told reporters earlier Sunday: “I pledge that tomorrow night and if necessary throughout our convention, we will act as Americans and not as Republicans because America needs us now. No matter what we are — Republican or Democratic — America needs us to do what all Americans have always done in times of disaster and challenge.”

Earlier Sunday, the White House said President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are skipping the convention.


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