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OOPS: Donald Trump’s Private Jet Clips Another One At West Palm Beach Airport

The wing of Donald Trump’s plane, a Boeing 757, struck a corporate jet while taxiing at West Palm Beach International Airport in Florida on Sunday. The incident occurred after the plane landed at the airport at approximately 1:20 a.m. on Sunday, following a rally held by Trump in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed the incident in a statement, stating that a privately owned 757 contacted a parked and unoccupied corporate jet. However, the FAA did not identify the plane as belonging to Trump.

The incident took place in an area of the airport where the FAA does not direct aircraft, and the agency has launched an investigation into the matter.

The Trump campaign has not yet commented on the incident.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The tendency is to blame the moving aircraft but it might be that the impacted aircraft was sticking out beyond where it should have been.

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