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Owners of Hyatt Hotels, Pritzker Family, Tied To Anti-Jewish Protests

Several vulnerable House Democrats have accepted campaign funds from the Pritzker family, owners of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, who have also bankrolled groups involved in anti-Jewish protests across the US. According to FEC data, the Pritzkers have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to these Democrats, as well as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and House Majority PAC.

The Pritzker family founded the Libra Foundation, which funds smaller nonprofits active in anti-Israel protests. These groups include The Climate Justice Alliance, Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, and the Immigrant Defense Project, which have participated in marches and demonstrations criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The Pritzkers, along with George Soros, also fund the Tides Foundation, which supports progressive groups like Adalah Justice Project, involved in the recent Columbia University protest.

Democrats receiving Pritzker funding include Reps. Mary Peltola (D-Alaska), Mike Levin (D-Calif.), Eric Sorensen (D-Ill.), Sharice Davids (D-Kan.), Gabe Vasquez (D-N.M.), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Susan Wild (D-Pa.), Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.), Chris Deluzio (D-Pa.), and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.).

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Penny Pritzker, who was commerce secretary in the Obama administration, is the top official on Harvard’s board of trustees. She was a huge supporter of the disgraced Claudine Gay, who was forced to step down as Harvard’s president.

  2. @HaKatan: don’t be so ignorant out of your Kanoes: they are shouting: “Kill the JEWS”
    The Satmar Rebbe clearly said: For Non-Jews Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism and that’s a fact!

  3. HaKatan: Your comments on his site have demonstrated that your religion is the Democrat Party and “progressivism”, regardless of how big your shtreimel may be.

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