We Need the Bracha and Shemira of Shabbos!

Uplifting Maamad of Kavod HaTorah at Prudential Center as Klal Yisrael Set to Undertake the Learning of Hilchos Shabbos

Klal Yisrael needs shemirah… desperately! The last few weeks have sadly and tragically been the embodiment of the words that we recently read in the Haggadah, “Ela she’bichol dor v’dor omdim aleinu l’chaloseinu – in every generation they seek to stand up against us and destroy us.”

What we have seen transpiring in university campuses where calls for “Kill the Jews” have become de rigueur have made even Jews who were once complacent in the “melting pot” of America fearful for their future in this country, actually in any country in the world.  

Jews the world over are surrounded by enemies who seek nothing less than our destruction. Even our “friends” have proven untrustworthy at best. 

There is no question that the ultimate response to this must be a spiritual response. Hashem is talking to US! The leading Gedolei Yisrael of our time are telling us that we need the koach of Torah and the koach of Shabbos. The zechus of Torah saves the world, and the zechus of shmiras Shabbos and limud about Shabbos, is the ultimate shemirah

It is for this purpose that Dirshu, with the bracha and encouragement of Gedolei Yisrael from both Eretz Yisrael and chutz l’aretz, will be holding a massive gathering entitled “Kinnus Olam HaTorah, Kabbolas Shabbos Event” to mark the haschala of hilchos Shabbos in the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program. The event will be held on Sunday, 3 Sivan/ June 9, at the Prudential Center Arena in Newark, NJ. Leading Gedolei Yisrael will address the maamad of chizuk and tefillah and most importantly, encourage the undertaking of a kabbalah to learn and upgrade our hilchos Shabbos

The massive Kinnus Olam HaTorah at the Prudential Center will feature a deeply inspiring program graced by leading Gedolei Yisrael and promises to be a tremendously uplifting maamad of Torah, tefillah and kavod haTorah

Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program was established at the behest of the Gedolei Hador, Hagaon Harav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, and Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l. These Torah giants encouraged Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi of Dirshu, to launch a Dirshu program that would facilitate daily learning of Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim featuring the common halachos that people encounter each day.

Seven years ago, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein spoke at a Daf HaYomi B’Halacha event devoted to Chelek Gimmel, hilchos Shabbos. He said, “The Mishnah Berurah contains within it many practical halachos that are incumbent on every Jew to keep. [If one does not learn these halachos] it is very easy to inadvertently transgress. This is particularly true with regard to hilchos Shabbos. A person who does not learn these halachos can easily transgress Torah-mandated prohibitions. That is why it is so important to learn Mishnah Berurah every day. Learning Mishnah Berurah is mamesh spiritual hatzalos nefashos!”

This 3 Sivan/June 9 let us all join Klal Yisrael led by Gedolei Yisrael at the Prudential Center and begin learning hilchos Shabbos. There is nothing better that you can do for Klal Yisrael! There is nothing better that you can do for yourself!

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