GOLDEN AGE OVER? New Antisemitism Report Raises Worries For Jewish Life In Western Countries

(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

A new report released by Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has revealed a staggering increase in antisemitic incidents in France, with a near-quadrupling of incidents in 2023 compared to the previous year. The report, which warned of a growing threat to Jewish life in the West, showed that France experienced the highest increase in recorded antisemitic incidents of any country with reliable statistics.

The report found that 1,676 antisemitic incidents occurred in France in 2023, up from 436 in 2022. A significant proportion of these incidents (74%) occurred after October 7.

The United States also saw a significant increase in antisemitic incidents, with a total of 7,523 incidents reported in 2023, up from 3,697 in 2022. The ADL highlighted the rise of antisemitism on US campuses as a particular concern, with 913 incidents reported in 2023, accounting for 12% of the total incidents in the country.

Other countries also experienced increases in antisemitic incidents, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy.

“For those whose views serve an anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist ideological and instrumentalist purpose, October 7 was a golden opportunity to advance further their hateful and racist fringe perspectives into mainstream conservative discourse, using it to attack rivals, mobilize supporters and attract new followers,” wrote the authors of the report, titled “Antisemitism Worldwide Report for 2023.”

The report’s authors warned that current trends could threaten the ability of Jewish communities to lead normal lives in the West, citing the rise of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist rhetoric and violence.

“The year is not 1938, not even 1933,” Prof. Uriya Shavit, head of The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and the Irwin Cotler Institute, wrote in a press release. “Yet if current trends continue, the curtain will descend on the ability to lead Jewish lives in the West – to wear a Star of David, attend synagogues and community centers, send kids to Jewish schools, frequent a Jewish club on campus, or speak Hebrew.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Hashem gave us a gift: his land on an interim basis until Mashiach, yet we clearly failed to treat it with kedusha and respect.

  2. For secular Jews, this is the end of their “golden age”. For them, the goal was maximum assimilation with options of staying somewhat Jewish. The open anti-Semitism among the American elite, the very ones whom frei Jews want to assimilate into, is very problematic. The frei Jews made left wing ideology a key part of their identity, and they just discovered the truth.

    For frum Jews, he “golden age” wasn’t all that golden. As we are unwilling to assimilate, we remained excluded from most employment in the country (even if we did well with the part we can access). However in America, we still have options to consider migrating to states where our secular cousins are held in low regard. In addition, the doors that are closing on the secular Jews have never been open to Bnei Torah, so we are not losing that much.

  3. This is Zionist propaganda/nonsense. Many citizens of the Zionist paradise are literally living in hotels unable to go to their homes due to the latest Zionist war. The Zionist paradise is statistically the least safest place for Jews of anywhere Jews live. As well, from a spiritual perspective, assimilation is the cause of Jew hatred in galus. Zionism is, of course, the ultimate assimilation. So, renouncing Zionism (and other idols) and being an unassimilated Torah Jew are the simple formula to removing the Jew-hatred.

  4. Two things have never changed and will never change:

    1) Since we were brought as an eternal nation into Cheirus Olam – as we say in the berachah of ge’ulah in Maariv every night of the year – we have been able to fulfill “u’bacharta ba’cahim.” Sometimes more openly than others. Sometimes with mesirus nefesh. But always able to choose. THIS has not, and WILL NOT change! (In this sense The Golden Age never ends.)

    2) Since we received the Torah on Har Sinai, a hatred for us as the chosen (and the choosing) nation entered the world. Sometimes more openly than others. Sometimes with what could almost described as mesirus nefesh. But always a hatred. THIS has not, and WILL NOT change! (In this sense, the dark age never ends.)

    It is our choice: Do we choose and rise above, or do we allow their choice (they, too, were offered the Torah), to throw us into the dark ages? It is our choice ALONE!

    Believing things have changed, on either side, is to deny fundamentals upon which this world was created and basic truths by which the world continues to function.

    U’Bacharta Ba’Chaim!

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