PSA: Watch This And Remember: Don’t Be An Idiot, Even When On Vacation

I’m compelled to address a pressing issue that seems to plague our community time and time again. On Erev Yom Tov in Orlando, Florida, a group of youngsters driving a golf cart turned too quickly and flipped over, injuring several of them. This incident is not an isolated one; in fact, it’s a stark reminder of the numerous such incidents that have occurred already this year and in previous years.

It’s astonishing how often we see people letting their guard down, especially when on vacation. It’s as if the relaxed atmosphere and carefree spirit of a Yom Tov somehow justify recklessness and a lack of common sense. Newsflash: safety never takes a break!

Golf carts, in particular, have become a hazard in many vacation spots. They’re often driven by inexperienced individuals, sometimes under the influence, and frequently exceeding safe speeds. It’s a recipe for disaster, and yet, we continue to see people putting themselves and others at risk.

I’m not here to lecture or spoil the fun, but I implore you all to use your heads. Yom Tov season is a time to unwind and enjoy quality time with loved ones, not to throw caution to the wind. A moment of recklessness can have devastating consequences, ruining not just your holiday but also your life and the lives of those around you.

So, please, for your own sake and the sake of those who care about you, be responsible. Drive safely, follow the rules, and don’t take unnecessary risks. Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

A fed-up vacationer in Orlando

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. I find it more invigorating spending my vacation days & money walking thru the עיר-העתיקה to the כותל, rather than being on a useless golf cart.

  2. Reckless youngsters are in ALL COMMUNITIES – and in the big picture “our community” has less crime shootings drugs violence etc. – you can make your point without coming across as a self hating jew.

  3. I heard two people discussing the story.
    One person said that is it really fair that here in America we are all having a good time during Chol HaMoed and in Gaza our brothers and sisters that are still in captivity they are going thru the worst H-E-L-L imaginable and are being tortured thru all parts of their body as we speak.

  4. and carefree spirit of a Yom Tov….

    Question: Since when is Pesach a carefree Yom Tov it’s not Purim it’s a serious Chag full of yesodos of yahadus

    Ans: In Orlando and by ppl who choose to go there it is

  5. With all due respect to the previous 3 responders, I think that the poster’s point is well-taken, especially if you are vacationing in another city. I live in a city that is a popular vacation destination and just yesterday I saw, right before my eyes, a 3-4 year old child run through a busy street with no adult in sight. I had been driving down that street fortunately at a slower than normal speed.
    BE SAFE, no matter where you are!

  6. I am in encore. Some people are way too care free. I see 12 year olds driving gold carts. Kids scootering and running in the street say and night. I saw one kid jumping and being silly about a foot away from moving cars as they passed by. I was present at this accident. Overall it’s a really enjoyable time with minyanim around the clock. But some parents need to be a bit more on top of it.

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