Democrats Nominate Obama For President

ob2.jpgSen. Barack Obama has won the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency Wednesday, a first for a black man in either major U.S. political party.

In a moment of high political drama, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, his former rival, spoke for her New York delegation, and cast all their 282 votes for Obama, giving him enough delegates to win the nomination and end their long battle for their party’s nod to face presumed Republican nominee Sen. John McCain.

Obama landed at Denver International Airport early in the evening, bringing him to Colorado after he made a series of campaign stops along the way. He was across town as the delegates cast their votes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said from the podium that Obama accepted the nomination.

Less than an hour before the roll call of the states, Clinton gathered in an emotional meeting with her delegates, telling them she was releasing them to vote for Obama.


21 Responses

  1. Look how far the United States has come. Less than 45 years ago people treated some of their fellow citizens as unequal here. Now there is a black man running for President.

    McCain, Obama, is there really much of a difference, though?

  2. To A23 comment #1:

    Your first point is well taken. Look how far the USA has come in race relations.

    Your second point is off base. Way off base my friend.

    There is a plethora of differences between the candidates from taxes and economic issues to social laws such as toaiva marriges etc. etc.
    Please research their respective positions before you ask “is there really much of a difference, though?

    Do like paying higher income taxes?

    Of course there is a difference. Read Research and Learn the differences.

  3. a23 – is there a differance?
    are you nuts, of course, one is a marxist socialist that believes that he should tax the heck out of people and then redistribute the money, and the other believes in fair enterprise. one has 50 years in service to our nation, and one, as hillary said, has a speech he gave once on energy. obama is a dangerous man! he will be worse then Carter!

  4. a23,

    the difference is black & white. obamanation has no experience and McCain does. The messiah has been in public office for a very short time & has was a US Senator for 140 days or so before thinking that he was qualified to lead this country.

    Do you want someone as your president who constantly bashes the country to anyone in the world who will listen? The President is expected to have respect for his office as well as his country.

    Does Obamanation’s associations frighten you in the least? People full of hatred like flager, farakan, wrong rev wright, or the terrorist william ayres who bombs govt buildings don’t bother you?

    If this doesn’t bother you, please stay home on election day!

  5. Displaying the necessary gravitas for the job template, one can nonetheless question wether in and of itself this is a question which is to be made.
    By this [also clarifying my earlier comment concerning the keynote address] we can catch a glimpse vis-a-vis the scope and magnitude portrayed ad logorrhea by the conventioneers. After all, is this what our Gedolim want from us? Is this the path of virtuos nobility? It seems we are descending rapidly towards a sycophancic cacophany of factious liability.

    As always my Uncle Tully says it best (though I suspect he got this one from Savta Chagla in Talpiot] “Let us say it needs butter. But margarine still isn’t ketchup”.

    Incidentally, the Denver Airport tibit just goes to show the veracity of my point…

  6. It’s 48 years since the first non-Protestant to be a serious candidate – everyone thought it was a big deal and it turned out no one cared except the pundits. Except for Kennedy and Reagan, every president is descended from pre-1776 immigrants (as are Obama and McCain). Every president has been descended from western European immigrants (indeed, only President Eisenhower is not descended from immigrants from the former colonial powers). So what’s the big deal about someone from Kansas, born in Hawaii, whose ancestors were slave owners but never slaves, and whose sole African connection is a father who probably wasn’t even legally married to his mother and left town when he was a baby. African Americans have held many high offices including Secretary of State, commander of the military, justices of the Supreme Court, etc.

    Ideologically, the differences aren’t as great though the style is. Neither candidate ever has a real private sector job and both get supported by their wives (they can’t complain about kollel types, can they). Obama is pro-abortion and probably very tolerant of inflation, and many of his supporters believe (perhaps wrongly) that he is an isolationist (his record suggests otherwise).

  7. I am totally out of current events. I wish I knew more but am totally clueless. What I do think I know is that it does sounds like Obama is more Hamas material than presidential material! Can someone tell me what happened to America’s collective brain??

  8. it is a vital interest for all of us to get off imported oil. even better, get the world off arab oil. to do this we need cars that runs from electricity or cars that will be power by alternative energy. the same is true for our source for electric power.
    a candidate who encourages addicting americans ever more to oil, is helping the arab cause. imagine a world that didn’t need arab oil!
    that should be one of our goals.

  9. illini07,

    I am afraid that you need to pay more attention to the person you want to see running the country. Nothing was “debunked” or “refuted” and if it was, it was not sufficient for the American people who really care about this country. Of course he did throw some peoplw under the bus but that was ONLY after being taken to task about those relationships.

    I want to know about his friendship with William Ayers, a man who on 9/11/01 said he regretted not doing more damage. In fact his quotes are, “I don’t regret setting bombs” and “I feel we didn’t do enough”, and, when asked if he would “do it all again” as saying “I don’t want to discount the possibility.” This man is a non repentant TERRORIST and you are ok with Obama being friendly with him. Obama started his campaign for public office in this man’s house. IT IS NOT A CASUAL RELATIONSHIP.

    Senator Obama has been part of a cloist for over 20 years. He heard the hateful speeches from the Wrong Reverand Wright as well as father Flager while he sat there for 20 years! There is no way you or anyone else could tell me that didnt make an impression. He heard Wright’s “G… D… America” as well as his “USA KKK” speeches. He claimed not to “know” that about Wright but that is 100% IMPOSSIBLE. It certainly had an effect on Michelle because she said she wasnt proud of her country till now. L’havdil, if you sit in the same shul for 20 hears you KNOW what the Rabbi has to say about certain inyanim.

    I ask you, who said, “I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.” Let me help you. That was Barak Hussein Obama in Berlin when he spoke after the 2 rock concerts. If he really loved the USA, he would NEVER say anything like that ESPECIALLY on foreign soil. There are more quotes where Obama The Elitist has bashed the nation which you are free to look up if you wish. We know he said them. They are out there.

    You mention President Bush and it seems like most liberals, you seem to have forgotten that due to term limits the President cannot run again. I say that as it seems Liberal Nation is running as if they are running against the President and not Senator Obama.

    Being that you clerly support Obama and that is your choice, I do need to ask you if you could tell me what he has done in his life that shows he is able to be President of the USA. Was he a mayor? Was he a Governor? Was he a CEO, COO, CFO, etc? The answer to all that is NO. Obama has done NOTHING in his life other than being a street thug in Chicago. Oh, he did vote for LIVE BIRTH MURDER while he was a state senator. And he was a US Senator for 145 days before throwing his hat in the ring for the White House.

    As a US Senator, he has done ZERO! He hasnt authored any bills. He has done NOTHING. He is a NOTHING other than a Socialist who wants to raise taxes and make a bigger government. I like the money I earn and I sure as g’henim dont want to have to give it to someone else.

    I look in the Chumash and whereever it says “NO,” the liberals say “YES!” How can a yid vote for a party like that???


  10. bobby57,

    You are correct. That’s why we have to DRILL HERE & DRILL NOW SO WE CAN SAVE MONEY!

    Studies show that we have the resources available if only we were able to drill where the oil is. We need to be allowed to drill in ANWR, we need to be able to drill off shore, and we need to be allowed to drill on land WHEREVER there is oil to be found.

    We cannot be concerned about the mating habits of the caribou or some other animal. Truth be told they ENJOY the pipelines because it warms them and they can procreate better. (Being that
    this is a “family” site, I will stop there.)

  11. Raboisai, could we please not turn YWN into a forum for political debate? Everyone has their own views, and this really isn’t the place to discuss it. If people want to know about the issues, they can go to or and read up each side and make an informed decision. But debating back and forth isn’t going to help anything and we all know it.

  12. Yes indeed another Jimmy (antisemite) Carter in the making…beware of Obama he will be bad for all of us Jews here in the USA and Israel…slick talking phony with a nice suit on….nothing more than an old fashioned snake oil salesman. BEWARE!!

  13. STOP WHINING. Obama’s views are mainstream liberal democrat. If you can stand the typical secular liberal Jews (who except for Joe Lieberman and Eric Cantor are the only ones in Congress), you can stand Obama. Since he left Hawaii he has hung out exclusively in neighborhoods with high Jewish populations such as Morningside Heights in New York (Columbia), Cambridge (Harvard) and Hyde Park (University of Chicago), and he fits right in. So of course, he’s pro-abortion like virtually every Jewish Democratic leader. His Israel policy is about the same as the Labor-Kadima alliance that won a landslide victory in the last Israeli election. He is a bit more conservative on some issues (lecturing the “Jesse Jackson” types about only fathering children if married to the mother, and taking care of their kids).

    If you are a Liberal Democrat, you’ll like Obama. If you are a moderate Republican, you’ll like McCain. It isn’t all that a “hidush” as elections go (Goldwater-Johnson had a much great ideological gap, as did McKinley-Bryan – in all fairness the American system, unlike Israel’s, tends to minimize the differences between candidates since you need to be a moderate to get elected).

  14. This is getting ridiculous and childish. Would someone please explain what the “abomination” about Barack Obama is? Is it because of his middle name? The color of his skin? It is certainly not based on anything I can think of in reality. Certainly, in comparison, John McCain is a unsuccessful Senator; but to say someone is something as harsh as an “abomination”?

  15. #15, ML, I suggest you do your own research and not parrot a very baseless and shallow GOP party line response which is not critique at all.

    While people know why they dont like John McBush and Hillary Clinton, there are no such scandals and character defects regarding Obama. Therefore, the strategy is to taint him by who he “knows” and not who he “is”.

    This lowly tactic makes as much sense as a teacher running for president and finding out a student he once had, heaven forbid, became a career criminal. Would you necessarily hold the teacher culpabable?

    Of course Obama has come across many people of various repute. So have you.

    Look at the facts and be upset with the GOP and not Obama. McCain is not a successful senator and may even be worse than the greatest swindler who ever held the presidency, and has run our country to the ground to dangerous depths.

  16. illini07,
    Not sure what happened to MINE. Can you help me out?
    Can you give me a better way of stating it than “I am out of current events”?
    Sorry, couldn’t think of any better wording.

    Oh, and thank you for your comprehensive explanation. Now I really understand why I should vote for Obama. You really explained it clearly and brought some very interesting sources.


    (By the way, don’t get so heated up. It’s not good for your blood pressure. I think THAT is what is making you ill, not some stupid poster on Yeshivaworld that has no clue what she’s talking about.)

    P.S. Just in case you have more to say re: my brain, I know my username is spelled wrong!

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