DEMS IN BIG TROUBLE: Even Michelle Obama Trails Donald Trump in Hypothetical Election Matchup, Poll Shows

Former first lady Michelle Obama (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

A new J.L. Partners/Daily Mail poll reveals that former First Lady Michelle Obama lags behind former President Donald Trump by a three-point margin, identical to the gap between Trump and President Joe Biden. The poll shows Trump leading Obama 47% to 44% among likely voters, with a similar margin between Trump and Biden.

Pundits had floated Obama as a potential alternative to Biden for Democrats, but the poll suggests she may not be a “saving force” for the party. James Johnson, co-founder of J.L. Partners, stated that voters are no more enthusiastic about voting for Obama over Trump than they are for Biden.

Obama had expressed concerns about the 2024 election and the importance of democracy but has repeatedly rejected the idea of running for president. The poll also shows Trump leading Biden in a five-way race with declared third-party candidates.

The results suggest that Trump maintains a strong position among likely voters, while Obama may not be a viable alternative to Biden for the Democrats.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. This is not Argentina, and Michelle Obama is not even in the same league as Evita Peron.

    If Trump stays full MAGA (chooses a Vice-Presidential nominee who is a “fighter” who tries to be Trumpier than Trump, such as Kristi Noem, J.D. Vance or perhaps Tulsi Gabbard), the Democrats can safely tack to the center perhaps by dissing their own left by being pro-Israel, pro-NATO, pro-military, and anti-Trans (e.g. opposed men in women’s shower rooms) and perhaps having a ticket led by Harris with a moderate Veep who annoys the Progressives but out of fear of Trump will stick with the Democrats once they realize that a 3rd party is serving Trump’s interests).

    If Trump heads to the center (e.g. Tim Scott as VEEP running as a Reaganite, support for Israel, NATO and Taiwan, trying to win back some of the never Trumpers by showing how far to the left Biden has become), the Democrats have a bigger problem since anything they do to appeal to the center will convince their WOKE wing to cast a protest vote on the theory that there isn’t enough difference, and if they appeal to the left it will convince many centrists that maybe Trump isn’t so bad.

    But remember that the Democrats are now the party of the rich and powerful, and with two exceptions (Wall Street Journal and Fox) they control almost all major media and have an overwhelming lead in fund raising, not to mention control over most of the country’s courts.

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