MAILBAG: Make The Right Move: An Open Letter For Boys and Bochurim Regarding Purim Collecting

It is hard to ignore the exciting ‘collecting’ brochures coming in the mail or found tucked away in the folds of a magazine. They display the most awesome-looking and enticing prizes. The organizations sending these brochures are noteworthy indeed, and they certainly deserve Klal Yisroel’s support. After all, are they not helping our suffering brothers – Acheinu Bnei Yisroel?

At the same time, boys and Bochurim are asked by their respective Yeshivos to collect funds for their own Mosad HaTorah. These are much-needed funds for a Mossad which is housing YOU, supporting YOU, helping YOU.

Yet, the prizes can’t compare. Which do YOU choose? In your heart of hearts, you feel guilty collecting for an unknown organization and ignoring the call of your Yeshiva. You are torn inside your heart, not knowing what to do.

The newly printed book “The Shmuessen of Rav Mordechai Schwab” (pg. 72-73) discusses this exact question. It seems that Rav Schwab zt”l was faced with this dilemma when he was a Bochur learning in Kaminetz, under the legendary Gaon, Rav Bachur Ber Leibowitz zt”l, the famous Birchas Shmuel which we often hear about from our Rebbeim.

These are Rav Schwab’s words:

After World War I, the number of students attending yeshivos was at an unprecedented low; the Yiddishists and Communists had wreaked havoc on the religious youth. The Chafetz Chaim wrote a letter in which he begged yeshiva students to go out to the small villages and open yeshivos. In Kamenitz, we [Rav Schwab and friends] formed a committee of highly respected students who undertook to heed the Chafetz Chaim’s cry and start yeshivos in the surrounding towns and villages.

For two hundred dollars (we raised half, and the villagers contributed the rest), we were able to open a yeshiva. My father collected money for this purpose while I approached yeshiva alumni for donations.

Kamenitz had a special fund called TAT (Tomchei Torah) that distributed cash to students who could not afford clothing and essential personal necessities. The primary source for TAT came from the alumni. The TAT officials, among them Reb Reuven Grozovsky, felt that the new collection to start yeshiva programs harmed their fundraising efforts, so we brought the case before the Rosh Yeshiva, Reb Baruch Ber.

Throughout the proceedings, Reb Baruch Ber sat with his head bent down, listening to both sides. He also covered his head with a tallis so as not to look at the baalei din, those presenting the case. After both sides finished their arguments, Reb Baruch Ber lifted his head and said: “When I was in America to raise funds for the yeshiva, I never once mentioned the word ‘Kamenitz.’ In Heaven, Kamenitz does not exist; in Heaven, there is only Torah. Wherever there is more Torah, the obligation of support is greater. However, yeshiva students have the additional responsibility that when they give tzedakah, their priority must be hakaras ha’tov. They must first contribute to the TAT in their yeshiva, and only afterward collect money for other causes.”

Dear boys and Bochurim: Don’t let the glitter and glamor fog your vision from doing what is right. You will never lose out by doing that which is right and proper. Hashem has many ways to repay you for your efforts, without glittery and enticing brochures.

I hope you make the right decision.

Name Withheld 

The opinions expressed in this letter do not necessarily reflect those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us to review. 

3 Responses

  1. These organizations (mainly M.Y.) with their pamphlets are beyond disgusting. The chinuch lessons being taught is awful.
    “Who are you collecting for?”
    The honest answer should be “for myself”.
    These organizations are offering to spend around 40% of the donations on the prizes. And if someone doesn’t look like the prizes they’ll just give you a gift card that’s basically cash. So aside from poaching kids from collecting for their yeshivas, which they should be doing, these are out there greedily collecting for their own gifts. It’s sick.

  2. These organizations (mainly M.Y.) with their pamphlets are beyond disgusting. The chinuch lessons being taught is awful.
    “Who are you collecting for?”
    The honest answer should be “for myself”.
    These organizations are offering to spend around 40% of the donations on the prizes. And if someone doesn’t like the prizes they’ll just give you a gift card that’s basically cash. So aside from poaching kids from collecting for their yeshivas, which they should be doing, these are out there greedily collecting for their own gifts. It’s sick.

  3. And if you’re not familiar, don’t think that we’re talking about side tchatchkis they’re offering. We’re talking about gifts costing hundred and even thousands of dollars.
    And to think people used to complain that organizations spent too much money on STRETCH LIMOS so the kids have fun….

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