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Trump Takes Double-Digit Lead Among Independents, Threatening Biden’s Reelection Bid

Former President Donald Trump has taken a double-digit lead over President Joe Biden among independents, according to the latest Economist/YouGov survey. The poll, conducted among 1,559 U.S. adult citizens from March 10-12, 2024, shows Trump leading Biden by two points (44% to 42%) among all respondents and registered voters. This marks a shift from earlier in March, when the two were tied at 44% each.

While Trump has predictable support from 89% of Republicans and Biden has support from 89% of Democrats, independents are backing Trump over the incumbent, with 40% supporting Trump and 30% supporting Biden. Another 13% support “other” candidates, 5% are unsure, and 11% say they will not vote. Notably, 34% of respondents who choose neither Biden nor Trump would support independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., up from 26%.

These results follow a poor poll for Biden from CNN in February, which found 66% of independents disapproving of his job performance and 70% saying he does not deserve reelection. This is a concerning trend for Biden as his approval rating drops post-State of the Union.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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