Dirshu’s Amud Hayomi Siyum Rouses Mexico

“What a special maamad of kavod haTorah! Dirshu’s siyum yesterday was without precedent in our community! It was a maamad that made an impact on many hundreds of people, who themselves will influence and impact many thousands, and spur them to advance their Torah knowledge, take tests on what they learn and enhance their yiras shamayim. I am so thankful to you and your entire team for the amazing work that you have done. May Hashem enable you to expand even more and enrich every makom Torah in our city with your wonderful programs.” Those words were sent by Rav Nissim Betech, Rav of the Monte Sinai Community, in a note to Rabbi Moshe Perets, Dirshu’s Mexican Director. 

Rav Betech was referring to the tremendous kiddush Hashem and chizuk derived by the entire community of Mexico City at the recent Dirshu Amud HaYomi Siyum on Masechta Brachos held at the Camino Real Hotel in Mexico. The event was graced by guest Rabbanim, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, HaGaon HaRav Rapahel Abuchatzeira, shlita, and Rav Dovid Hofstedter shlita, Nasi Dirshu. They were joined by tens of prominent local Rabbanim including Rav Avraham Shabot, Rav David Choueka, Rav Michael Perets, and Roshei Yeshiva, Rav Menachem Juni and Rav Shmuel Badoush.  

A highlight of the event was the address by the venerated Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yitzchok Ezrachi. With great passion, Rav Ezrachi emphasized the paramount nature of ameilus baTorah, toiling in Torah. Chazal teaches us that Hashem is misaveh, has a taavah that Yidden should be amelei Torah. The Gemara tells us that a person cannot achieve selicha, forgiveness without toiling in Torah. That is what we are celebrating tonight! We are celebrating the myriad of people in this community who are amalei Torah!

The words of Rav Raphael Abuchatzeira, also made a profound impact on the assemblage. Rav Raphael began his remarks by focusing on the tremendous achdus in the kehillah and how important achuds is. “It is very appropriate that this gathering is taking place during the week of Parshas Vayakhel,” he said. “Parshas Vayakhel is the only time in the Torah that we find that Moshe gathered the entire Bnei Yisrael together. When did Moshe gather them all together? When he erected the Mishkan. The lesson is clear. The central part of the mishkan was the Torah, the aron. Torah is what unites us all!” 

Perhaps the words of Rabbi Moshe Perets, Dirshu’s Director in Mexico, encapsulated the impact best when he said, “Since the siyum, everywhere I go Jews stop me and say, ‘Wow! What a kiddush Hashem Dirshu made…!’ and then they add, ‘We want to join. How can we set up a shiur in our shul? How can I join Amud HaYomi and/or Daf HaYomi B’Halacha. I want to have a true kesher with Torah!’”

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