LIPA & Yoli Lebovitz Visit Camp Simcha Special – Chai Lifeline for a Special Concert

YW-Lipa At Simcha-05.jpg(Click HERE for photos) On Thursday, August 21, 2008, at approximately 1:35PM, the campers and staff from Chai Lifeline’s Camp Simcha Special (boys) were busy enjoying their lunch, when suddenly out of nowhere a nice stretched white limo pulls up to Camp Simcha located in Glen Spey, NY and LIPA and Yoli Lebowitz jump out and make a dash for the stage in the dining room. The campers were all shocked and excited to say the least to see LIPA hop onto the stage while the campers and their counselors were singing “Heib Oif Daiyne Hentelach Tzim Tate In Himel”.

After a couple of songs, the crowd moved from the dining room to the Social Hall and enjoyed a fabulous hour long concert featuring LIPA and Yoli Lebowitz as comedian. Before, during and after the concert, LIPA gracefully greeted and spoke to every camper, took pictures together with them and signed autographs.

On behalf of the children of Chai Lifeline, we would like to personally thank LIPA, Yoli Lebowitz, Moshe Schwartz, Dovy Tessler (keyboard player) and last but not least Moshe Stein, for taking the time out from their busy schedules and volunteering to visit camp and give the campers an amazing show! The campers of Camp Simcha Special haven’t stopped talking about their wonderful experience.

Moshe Kolodny – Director Community Affairs, Chai Lifeline.

8 Responses

  1. How can people hack against Lipa? Look at everyone’s good side, to give up a bit of your holidays to be mesameach ill children is also a stage of Gadlus. Especially after Tisha Ba’av and approaching the Yemei Hadin one should be extra careful to only look for the positive in every human being.

  2. It is really unbelievable what Camp Simcha does with these special children. They wait all year for these few weeks in camp, and they don’t stop talking about it for the rest of the year. The counslers keep in touch year round, their job doesn’t end after camp. A big yasher koach to all the STARS that make time to come and be misameach these children and a BIG yasher koach to people like Moshe Kolodny that help make it happen.

  3. Kudos to Moishy Stein who is aways on the front line of every chessed project! He is always bsimcha and spreads it…continue on!!!

  4. Reading all this made me very emotional. We read and hear so much about Chesed in our communities. #4 says it all!

    Let me tell you, Lipa is the best! Do you on that same day in the evening he hosted a Bar-B-Q in his backyard for an organization and still he made time to travel from Monsey to Glen Spey, NY which is at least an hour and a half drive each way (without traffic) to be Misamaich the ill children of Chai Lifeline.

    #6 – you hit the nail on its head! the consolers at Camp Simcha and at Camp Simcha Special are so dedicated to the campers. The relationships the bond during their stay at camp continues for many years to come. It’s the true form of Olem Chesed Yibone!

    I’d like to personally thank the consolers and staff at Chai Lifeline for being there for my family every single day, getting us thru Gehenom always with compassion and a Yidishe Hartz!

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