7 Things a Hair Drug Test Can Tell You

A hair drug test can be an incredibly revealing and accurate test, depending on its sensitivity. We explore the important information these tests can uncover.

Among all the drug tests available and the methods they employ for results, there’s one that’s consistently more popular than the others. A hair drug test may be the best way to catch people out and is one you should be particularly wary of if you’re about to be tested yourself. This is for various reasons, and you’ll understand why once you’ve finished this post.

Understanding why exactly the hair follicle test is so effective is the first step to taking it seriously. Anyone who doesn’t fully appreciate the efficacy of these tests is sure to fail them, especially if they’ve got something to hide. Read on to find out about hair follicle drug tests in more detail, and learn exactly what you’re up against.

Hair Follicle Drug Tests

Unlike blood tests which are only effective for testing for drug use in a small time frame, usually up to 48 hours, a hair follicle test is much more effective. There’s not much information to learn from such a short period, after all. The hair drug test provides a much more accurate idea of someone’s past, and what exactly their drug use habits may or may not look like.

This is due to the nature of our bodies, and how they process the chemicals people tend to favor for recreational purposes. Our bodies are incredibly efficient at filtering out and disposing of these chemicals over only a couple of days, often leaving no trace of their use whatsoever. Of course, it depends on where you look.

While our blood is constantly filtered by our kidneys, other parts of our bodies collect drug metabolites indefinitely. As our hair grows, it tends to collect the evidence of each time a drug has entered our system. This information is stored within the core of our hair follicles, making them a detailed diary of drug use.

The scope of the detail is impressive, and there’s a lot to be learned from scrutinizing the metabolites contained within someone’s hair. This makes a hair drug test the perfect tool for examining someone’s past, and potentially determining their future.

1. Detecting Drug Use Over Time

When we described hair follicles as a diary of drug use, we weren’t kidding. As a rule of thumb, hair follicles contain enough information to reliably examine the previous ninety days. However, in some cases, and depending on the length and thickness of the hair, this timeframe can be much longer.

This provides the examiners and the people who ordered the test a large detection window you might prefer they weren’t privy to. Even if you’re not a habitual user, it’s hard to remember what happened in the last ninety days. This is a length of time that may as well be an eternity for some, so if your memory isn’t perfect, it might be worth taking steps to ensure your hair is clean for sure.

2. Detection of Various Drugs

Hair follicle tests are also capable of detecting a wide range of substances, depending on the type of test administered. Some go into more detail than others, depending on the price of the test. More advanced tests are more expensive, so depending on where you’re being tested and by whom, you might be able to take a guess.

Tests can detect marijuana, alcohol use, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, and propoxyphene, among others.

3. Quantity of Use

Not only can a hair drug test show what drugs someone has taken, but they can also determine the quantity. It doesn’t matter if the use is light or heavy, the information is there, waiting to be discovered.

What they’ll do with this information is anyone’s guess, but it’s safe to assume the severity of the outcome will coincide with the quantities of use they find. If you’re wondering how detailed the test is and if even a very small amount is detectable over a significant timeframe, the answer is yes. Results may vary, but if there were drug metabolites in your system, they’ll likely be detectable in your hair.

4. Patterns of Use

Our hair follicles are constantly growing, even if they do so slowly. This means as they grow, they’re storing drug metabolites while they exist within our system. While there isn’t any, there is none to store.

This means patterns of use are easily determinable by examining the gaps between the metabolites, and how long it typically takes hair to grow a certain length. Through this method, examiners can see long stints of drug use, sporadic use, and even seldom use. No matter the frequency, it’s all there, waiting to be read like a book.

5. Positive Identification of Multiple Drugs

Identifying people who tend to take more than a single drug at a time is also possible. Multiple drug metabolites can be found next to each other in the same space of hair.

A single test is all that’s necessary to determine the past use of multiple different drugs. This means each drug isn’t tested for individually. This saves time and produces more helpful results.

A single test is sufficient to produce a clear picture of someone’s drug use history, but multiple tests may be conducted to confirm this. A few strands of hair are sufficient for multiple tests, too, to narrow the scope of the search or to double-check specific results more accurately.

6. Non-Invasive Results

Part of the beauty of hair follicle drug tests is their non-invasive nature. Results can be found easily without having to subject anybody to any significant discomfort. This makes the process much more attractive for large organizations and savvy individuals.

Rest assured, if you’re asked by someone to take a hair drug test, they’ve most likely done their homework. They’ll know exactly what the test is capable of telling them and probably have their suspicions.

7. Large Detection Window

The length of time examinable with a hair drug test is considerable, making it a perfect option for screening job applicants. Recruiters want to get the best idea of the people they’re about to hire as possible, and looking back into their past for potential drug use is as good a place to start as any.

Unfortunately, if you’re prone to indulging in the odd chemical reprieve, this isn’t going to reflect well on you. It’s not possible to accurately determine someone’s personality from a test, but it is possible to find proof of previous drug use.

This is often enough to knock you out of the running completely, as sweeping generalizations tend to be the way of the world. Suffice it to say that if drug metabolites exist in your hair for any reason, the outcome won’t be good.

How to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test

There are several ways to make sure this doesn’t happen, however. People have been requesting drug tests for all sorts of reasons for a long time now. As they say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” and the need to pass a hair follicle drug test is no different.

As with anything though, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about doing so. A quick Google search will prove this to be true, especially when looking for solutions to beating a drug test. In the case of hair follicle tests, some options are undeniably better than others.

Consider Your Options Carefully

Firstly, don’t bleach your hair. While bleach will indeed remove all traces of drug metabolites if done correctly, the people testing your hair aren’t idiots. They’re well aware of the effects bleach has on hair follicles, and will likely see straight through your strategy, notifying the relevant parties.

Shaving your hair is also an option, but it lacks finesse and leaves a certain aesthetic charm to be desired. The smart option is to purchase a specifically formulated shampoo or cleaning agent to remove all drug metabolites without a trace. These agents strip all the evidence from your hair without any change to outward appearance, making them the perfect solution.

Also, it might be worth mentioning that it’s a good idea to steer clear of most advice you can find online leaving one option that has proven success on passing a hair follicle drug test. Anybody suggesting you can remove drug metabolites without a proven method, doesn’t have your best interests in mind. Take a moment to consider everything that’s on the line, and whether you want to risk it all on nonsensical hearsay.

Mike’s Macujo Method

Why risk it all when you can play it safe? Our specially designed and formulated detox shampoos are all you need to beat a hair drug test, worry-free.

Rather than wringing your hands over the process, it’s a much better idea to leave it to the professionals. We’ve helped thousands of people secure the results they needed, and have the testimonials to prove it. Simply head over to our hair test product page and take your pick!

If you’ve got any questions regarding the detection window, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you.

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