MAILBAG: The Dangerous And Selfish Self-Promotion Of Inna Vernikov Must Stop

As many people are well aware, an event scheduled to take place in Flatbush on Tuesday was canceled over a planned protest by pro-Palestinian activists outside the venue, which is a shul.

As someone who was involved in the event and its ultimate cancellation, I have some information that others may not be privy to. Allow me to fill readers in: The event was canceled after the NYPD obtained intelligence that the protest against the event would likely include violent instigators – not simply a handful of individuals carrying banners and chanting some slogans. The possibility of it turning into a violent affair was very real. There are (literally) hundreds upon hundreds of children being dropped off buses returning from Yeshiva at this very time.

As such, askanim went to Rabbanim and Poskim and asked them what the right thing to do was. They determined that if the protest could result in someone getting hurt, the event should be canceled, and so it was.

Hundreds of residents in the area of Avenue N and 27th Street breathed a sigh of relief. We are in golus and living in precarious times, and this event would not have helped. That was plain to see, and almost everyone was happy it was not going to take place.

But not everyone was okay with the cancellation. Specifically, Councilwoman Inna Vernikov has gone on a tear since the event’s cancellation, attacking and diminishing the opinion of anyone who dared to take steps to keep people safe.

A difference of opinion is fine, but her latest statement shows how off her rocker she is, and how her claims of being a staunch defender of Jews is nothing more than self-promotion masquerading as pro-Jewish policies.

In her statement, Vernikov wrote that “the community and rabbis were misled about the scope of security risks by self-appointed, unelected ‘leaders’ who like to think of themselves as representatives of Jewish communities. With misinformation and half-truths, they chose to shed responsibility by masquerading behind the ‘Das Torah’ decision.”

As someone who is not an askan myself, I am utterly appalled at this statement alone. I am aware of what happened and it is nothing like Vernikov describes – and she knows it good and well. She is not referring to random nobody’s, but to askanim who have been helping the Jewish community in Flatbush for longer than she has been a US citizen, and rabbanim/poskim who have been guiding them for decades!

She went on: “To my knowledge, at no point, was any elected official consulted by these ‘Askanim,’ who want to run the community on their own terms, so they can remain relevant and continue engaging in useless photo ops.”

Okay, let’s talk about this. Again, she’s talking about people who have been more involved in their own communities than she ever was or will be. But she wants to talk about photo ops? Does she realize the ironic fact that the askanim turned down a photo-op here by canceling the event and that she’s the one complaining that she didn’t get a chance at another one for herself? You know, like the one where she was arrested and charged for illegally flashing a gun as she did some grandstanding at a protest? Of course, when she turned the gun over to police (many hours later), it didn’t work anymore. But let’s not make believe the gun was broken at the time – she probably disassembled it after the fact to avoid getting tossed in jail. Maybe she’s not the best person to complain about photo-ops.

Inna, while you were still living in Russia and being a Putin loyalist, these “askanim” were working for the Jewish community in Flatbush. They have sacrificed so much in their lives to allow us to thrive. Who in the world do you think you are? Do you live on N and 27, where the protest was going to take place? No, you don’t. Do you have kids who were scheduled to come off their buses from school at the time the protest was going to take place? No, you don’t. In fact, Avenue N and E. 27 Street IS NOT EVEN IN YOUR DISTRICT!

You complain about askanim running the Flatbush kehilla “on their own terms,” but look at you – moaning like the narcissist you are when we don’t run our community on your terms. You complain about Rabbanim, the true leaders of our community. How dare you? If you had an ounce of understanding about how we make decisions, you’d shut your mouth and go away, as you should.

As for the Flatbush community, know this: a vote for Inna Vernikov is a vote to have a nutjob like Ben Gvir on the New York City Council. We are in golus and we want to be safe; having an elected official who does nothing but attack our actual leaders for not playing by her deranged rules, does us no good.

Yaakov S – Flatbush

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

57 Responses

  1. Could you please make sure that the mailbags you publish doesn’t include lowlife language such as “jerk”? Also in general these letters including this one have such a childish way of writing, very emotional, elaborating so much on small details. If someone wants to write an open letter, please make sure you can write it with a certain standard.

  2. You can go move to North Korea or Russia if you want to side with dictators over representatives elected by the community.

  3. Her Inna (you will be glued to the comments here, even though you say you wont) — You have done NOTHING to make NYC a better, safer and cleaner city. You have done NOTHING for the Jewish community who elected you. You are a total zero.

    The streets are a cess pool. Homeless are everywhere. Crime infested like never before… And YOU SIT HOME AND TWEET ABOUT STOLEN ELECTIONS.

    And Your filthy perverted photo ops of you posing with your gun. Want to be a model? Go model. But get lost because you have failed us.

  4. I just want to say that I live right near that street, and I am grateful that the Rov made the right decision. All the parents on all the block chats were very concerned about the safety of our children. This woman represents no one, and glad she is not even the councilwoman for this area. Just another loudmouth looking for attention.

  5. Happy to say I don’t live in Brooklyn anymore, not that New Jersey is better but maybe just maybe, she’s looking at it as the terrorists lovers won this one.

  6. I call on any pro-Hamas groups to please go protest outside the home of Inna Vernikov, who clearly, loves confrontation. Not to worry, she’s armed with a gun (without the clip of course). This woman, does not live anywhere near our community, and knows nothing about the community, yet she claims she does.

    Time to get a real frum shomer shabbos republican, and get rid of this azus panim.

  7. Talk about “photo ops”. This faker shows up at the nypd precincts for memorials for killed cops she knows nothing about, takes photos, tweets them out and leaves in 22 seconds. it’s all about photos for her. what a narcissist.

    a local officer

  8. You talk about daas Torah being involved. Who are these rabbonim? Until I hear names of rabbonim I’m siding with Inna Vernikov. The event didn’t have to be at the time when children are coming home from school. To have canceled the event entirely is giving into terrorism.

  9. Inna not only doesn’t live there, she not only doesn’t represent that street, but the audacity for her to be blasting the nypd chiefs on the phone for hours (facts matter), she never even bothered to talk to the rov of the shul, never even bothered to ask the residents in the area who have children walking around. She asked no one anything.

    shame on this hater of gedolim.

    we wont forget this when election season comes around

  10. philosopher – Rav Dovid Cohen, the senior Posek of Flatbush for the past 70 years is the . Is that not enough for you? Every single end of life shaila comes to his desk. He paskens every single “DNR” shaila. There are other gedolim too. Not to mention, no “Askanim” made this decision. There is a rov of that Shul. Did Inna speak to him to find out the facts before firing off this disgusting press release? Of course not. A narcissist will always believe what they want.

  11. I am appalled at the writer of the letter calling Ben Gvir a “nutjob”. It is because the Israelis have ignored the warnings of such “nutjobs” that Hamas was able to have their own “place” where without any deterence expand their terrorist infrastructure and training which resulted in Oct 7 massacre with 1200+ Jews dead and the hostages still in the terrorist hands. Shame on you.

  12. THIS. WAS. GOLD.

    She has no clue what it’s like to be a mother. Lives nowhere near this place, doesn’t represent this area, and has the gall to attack Rav Dovid Cohen?

  13. Why don’t we send Palestinians to her own home to protest? That would be epic. She can come outside with her gun and take selfies and promote herself all over again.

  14. I was actually going to counterprotest this today. But I need to be honest> thought about this alot and I am actually happy they are not going to be there today. Does anyone actually think the NYPD can control 2,000 animals roaming the streets? What about when they spill over into other streets (28, 29 etc) and punch my neighbor in the face or do some hate crimes? Why do we need this here.

    Thank hashem this thing was cancelled, and cooler minds prevailed. I am a supporter of Inna, but she is dead wrong on this and should apologize to the rov of the shul, rav dovid cohen and the rest of the gedolim involved.

  15. Do think for a minute that this nutjob will apologize for bizuy gedolim? Like trump apologizing. Epic narcissist’s

  16. It is of note that Vernikov did not bash any rabbonim in her letter. She claimed that they were given wrong information – which does happen sometimes, but not this time. It was a dangerous event, and you didn’t need to be daas Torah to see that.

    Of course her zionism is indefensible, but we do need to be careful about turning her off to yiddishkeit; that should supercede politics. Just ignore the shtusim she says, and there’s no obligation to vote for her if you don’t like the job she’s doing.

    She’s become shomer shabbos and keeps kosher; i don’t think it’s smart to alienate her, especially when she – unlike members of our community who are more observant – did not say anything bad about rabbonim.

  17. I’m completely unfamiliar with this woman, absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. However, I agree with her assertion that we can’t simply cower in fear of these miscreants. It’s essential for those who wish to peacefully protest to have a voice. While I’m not advocating for confrontation, it’s crucial to recognize that there are influential figures from our community within the NYPD who are tasked with safeguarding us. They should take measures to increase police presence and, if necessary, apprehend individuals who resort to violence. Our reluctance empowers them, while their boldness portrays them as victims.

  18. I’ll add, that being a golus yid means that we don’t sell settlement properties at all.

    Ben Gvir is antagonistic in all areas

  19. 100% spot on! And yes, Ben Gvir is a nutjob! He thinks going to Har Habayis (which is assur) is a way to show our strength, which is the dumbest thing I ever heard.

  20. if Ritchie Taylor who is the ultimate worker on behalf of klal yisroel said to cancel than it was pikuach nefesh to have this event and Rabbi Cohen is a posek on pikuach nefesh so clearly this was the decision made. Regarding askanim again without a name of a particular askan it means nothing, plus who is Inna’s rav? Glad Daas Torah was followed and Hamas supporters will avoid our little island of tranquility.

  21. I don’t know enough to say anything about her as a person, but that isn’t the issue here. There was a decision made that was not impulsive, and was with consultations with the people that mattered. But there is one fact that she was obviously mistaken about, and it needs to be said.

    The parades and demonstrations that are anti-Hamas do not involve violence. Why stop to the level of degradation that Hamas does? So they are peaceful, and absolutely consistent with First Amendment rights. Not so for the anti-Israel pro-Hamas ones. They are characterized by violence, attacks, destruction, etc. Now the NYPD can be there in force. But the pro-Palestinians do stoop to the animalistic behaviors of attacking and behaving violently. And NYPD will only be useful, at best, to apprehend the perpetrators. Of course, the perpetrators should be arrested and jailed. But the tragedies need to happen first. And that’s precisely what we wish to avoid. The presence of NYPD and the National Guard will not prevent anything. So Inna’s ideas are useless. She would have demonstrated a higher level of intellect by remaining silent.

  22. to all looking for confrontation that is NOT the Yiddish way, our way is to daven, learn and most importantly follow daas Torah which clearly stated this event is not necessary and plus this neighborhood has many of our community’s most generous gevirim and why should they get extra agmas nefesh? the askanim work on behalf of the klal for free all they ask is that people listen to them when life is at stake and they know who is best for us in elections as well. In Europe the kahal had a similar function and in the shetetl people were more happy that many are today in our frum society and they had more yiras shomayim than many in our dor.

  23. I agree, but writing “a nutjob like Ben Gvir” is a very bad choice. You might disagree with some of his decisions or style, but he’s way more responsible and caring that this woman. Unless you’re not so aware of everything he does…

  24. Inna Vernikov is a warrior for the Jewish People. She shows up and leads when Jews are in trouble! Many people have an attitude “Well if it isn’t my personal problem I don’t care. When I say Klall Yisroel simply mean me and my family”.Inna is NOT that way! I find calling people who will take the route that might not be of benefit to themselves but for Am Yisroel tobe true leaders and very unselfish.I am sickened by the tone and tenor of the aforementioned comments!

  25. What do you expect from someone who promotes gun possession? Imagine what NYC would look like if every crazy person had a gun.

  26. I’m getting nauseous reading self-righteous articles of YWN who are not for the klal but for their own ulterior motives. Beware…

  27. To Mr. “WATER COOLER,” as I mentioned earlier, I have no knowledge about this woman, and I’m not taking sides here. However, it’s important to clarify that she’s not promoting guns or advocating for the Constitution. She’s simply stating that it’s our right to protect ourselves and our families, as enshrined in our Constitution.

  28. She and Hikind and many like them have a world view and attitude of how we are supposed to behave in golus and that is their prerogative but it diverges from how others view things and behave and they need to respect that. Many are of the opinion to avoid danger, confrontation keep a low profile is the preferred way of doing things & could not care less if the agitators declare ‘victory’.
    This was an organized event at a location where the people in charge of the location and event have a right to make their own decisions without interference from people who disagree.
    They made a decision in consultation with those whom they trust and decided the way they did. No reason for anyone to disparage them and accuse them of being in it for their own self interested photo ops etc. By the way, does anyone even know their names? Didn’t think so. Big fail in making yourself look good if they are not being very public. Quite the contrary, the ones being public here and making noise are the ones opposing them

  29. It was very wrong to cancel this event for the mitzva of Yishav Eretz Yisroel. We are not supposed to give in to terrorists, like we did in Gaza, claiming then if we give it back then there would be peace. We see now the results of that, as was mentioned above next they will come demonstrate in front of shul on Shabbos, so then the Rabanim will also say to cancel shul? And then what’s next. The only way to counter protest is to pick urselves up and make aliyah to ארץ הקודש Moshiach is waiting for you.please

  30. The desire to avoid confrontation is understandable.

    And indeed by cancelling the meeting a confrontation was avoided.

    But now that the arabonazis see that by a simple threat of disturbance the Jews can be easily cowed from basically going about their daily lives, they know that they can use these threats of violence to shut us down from anything.

    What happens when they start threatening violence against people who go to shul on Shabbos? Or kids going to yeshiva and beis Yaakov.

    I am afraid you have opened up a Pandora’s box that you will not be able to close.

    As Churchill said, we chose dishonor over war and in the end we got both dishonor and war in any case.

  31. The letter writer could have been more mature and respectful in their presentation but I would agree with the overall sentiments

  32. Both sides are right and both sides are wrong.

    Obviously, the shul didn’t want the event to take place. In hindsight, they never would have approved it. That being said, canceling the event may be harmful to the Jewish community as a whole in the long term and big picture.

    At the same time, sometimes in life people, organizations (and even Rabbi’s) are placed in difficult situations in which the easy answer is to say no (or cancel the event), and not provide any alternatives.

    Shuls in Teaneck, Long Island, Toronto and Montreal were able to make it happen, but only because the entire communities in those communities WANTED it to happen. At no time did any of the shuls/communities in the other 4 locations even think for a second about canceling it. They understood that canceling the event had broader implications (and dangerous ones) for the ENTIRE Jewish community in North America. It would have been the safe move and easy move to cancel it. Instead the institutions made sure to enable the event to take place.

    It is unfortunate that we have the result that we now have.

  33. I call bluff on the anonymous letter writer. I do not believe him. And the fact that this letter is riddled with blatant Xenophobia is outright disgusting.

  34. This letter is exceedingly offensive and uncalled-for, and I do not know what is the agenda of the writer but clearly there is one — and I do not think it has anything to do with following or not following daas Torah.
    Then to line up more than 20 other comments supporting the letter writer … STINKS.
    The writer stooped to name calling (onaas devarim and lashon hara) in a horrible way when he or she wrote “Inna, while you were still living in Russia and being a Putin loyalist, these ‘askanim’ were working for the Jewish community in Flatbush. They have sacrificed so much in their lives to allow us to thrive. Who in the world do you think you are?” that is frankly disgusting.
    Councilwoman Vernikov has spoken out loudly against the antisemitism of these times and the creeping socialism of this society based on her experience in Russia, and she is right.
    She has one of the most responsive City Council offices I have ever witnessed. (I was in her district until the gerrymandering went into effect.)
    This is disgusting, and Councilwoman Vernikov — who won the last election by a landslide based on voters’ satisfaction with her performance in her first term — should receive an apology from you.

  35. I’m not taking any position at all about the cancellation of this event but I am beyond appalled to see the type of language being used here against one of the very few NYC council members who stands up for and sides with the frum world.

    And coming from self righteous individuals complaining about “confrontation” their hypocrisy is deafening.

    I guarantee that if you would ask Rav Dovid Cohen if this letter and the comments belong on public venues (if anywhere) he would say no

  36. I just was at the corner of the shul for an hour. 20 school buses dropped off children from Yeshiva. I assume Inna wouldn’t know what that looked like, because she wasn’t there.


  37. Much what you wrote is on the money…As others indicated, you lost me on bringing up Ben Gvir. As mentioned, you may not like his style. You should read up and see what he has accomplished and who he stands up for. I think you would retract what you said about him.

  38. Enough with Inna…. we need Heshy Tischler to get into city hall and take care of business. Imagine Inna and Tischler as a team. Just throw a Dov Hikind into the mix as their Daas Torah and things will work out splendid.

  39. I never commented before. I live near this Shul. Thank you for stopping this nightmare, and I agree that Inna went way too far.

  40. The pro-Hamas mobs popping up around the country dont limit themselves to Israeli real estate events. They come and protest outside and inside of shuls, kosher supermarkets, israeli restaurants, town hall meetings etc. Do you honestly believe that by cancelling this event, you have in any meaningful way mitigated the threat? If anything you have emboldened the mobs, because they now know that your community is afraid of them. I hope and pray to G-d that this letter writer and the people in the comments section are just trolls trying to rile people up, and dont actually believe the nonsense that they are spewing.

  41. To those calling out the letter writer and bashing him for his tone (and I don’t condone it either), they need to also acknowledge the unnecessary, disrespectful, antagonistic, disparaging, calling their motivations into question, hostile tone that Dov and Inna used towards those who canceled the event. They have every right to cancel it without consulting with Inna or Dov or anyone else. It is not a politician’s business to stick their nose into other people’s decisions when they feel it will adversely impact themselves and their neighborhood. It is THEIR decision to make not Inna, not Dov not anyone else. It is very nice they got elected, they should stick to doing what they were elected to do and not stepping out of bounds

  42. I did not expect this from the frum community. While our brothers in Eretz Hakodesh were butchered like Khmelnitzkiy ym”s, and are still fired on daily, and some of our land in the north is still desolate, some of you are asking to embolden Hamas to avoid a minor inconvenience of avoiding a street for a few hours.

    Practically speaking, do you think giving Hamas supporters a victory will keep the schoolchildren safe? Will keep the neighborhood safe? The Jew haters were encouraged, became stronger, and will riot ever harder next time, and then what? What will be the next thing we’ll surrender? When will we stop surrendering?

  43. @yeshivaworldnews
    As a news organization. “MAYBE” you should be neutral instead of fanning the flames and posting one side of a statement full of stereotypes and attacking someone based on where they were from. Xenophobic

  44. I am wondering what the real story is behind the cancellation. DO NOT blame Inna!! She is a huge supporter of the Jewish community! She has gone out of her way to help me and my neighbors as well!

  45. Selfish self-promotion is what politicians do. Live with it.

    The danger is the situation. If a group of organized goyim (call them Hamas supporters, Nazis, Terrorists, Progressives, whatever) can threaten violence to prevent the Jewish community from doing something we clearly have a legal right to, and the government of the state fail to protect the Jews and secure our rights, whether due to fear, incompetence, or sympathy with those threatening the Jews — that is a highly DANGEROUS situation since it means we can no longer rely on the civil authorities for protection. At the point where the government strips Jews of civil rights (in this case, right of assembly – part of the 1st amendment), the yishuv of America (at least in a blue state like New York) is coming to an end.

  46. Cancelling the event, while it may have been the “safer” option in the very short term, sets a very bad precedent and creates a great danger in the long term. There are cases in Halacha where one is supposed to take actions that risk immediate violence then to prevent greater violence in the future – remember the Halachos of going out on Shabbos to fight to prevent theft of “kash v’teven” to prevent emboldening of enemies, who will otherwise likely come back and attack people. That seems analogous to the case here – yes, the cancellation of the event may have avoided an immediate confrontation – but the show of weakness by the Jewish community will only encourage those who wish the Jewish community ill to further push the community around. A better option to cancelling may have been to announce that the event was moved and/or rescheduled – that would have gotten it out of that particularly sensitive location and time, while not showing the utter fecklessness of the Jewish community (and some of its “leaders”).

    an Israeli Yid

  47. Wow… this letter is so despicable..I can see why you are anonymous!… so if someone disagrees and states her disagreement and is not behaving like a mindless sheep or rabbi worshipper right away she is attacked for being Russian ???? a putin loyalist??? She is a jew and shomer shabbos, no??? or will you never allow her any place to belong in the Jewish world, or even america for that matter? How completely idiotic, gaivadich..ENTITLED. What a great example of the flatbush “community” of which there is none, made up of golus materialists who run around like a chicken without their heads but always find time to put every jew but their own “type” into a category, and hierarchy. DESPICABLE!

    SIgned; Leah Rodov, a jew in Israel who immigrated from the former Soviet Union, became religious in America and left Flatbush for holier ground.

  48. Maybe we should try to support each other in such difficult times instead of fighting. Both sides have a point and both should use appropriate language. Ms Vernikov appears to be born in Ukraine and condemned putin early on. To claim otherwise sounds like a terrible statement unless you have facts to confirm it.

  49. What a wimp! This Yaakov who apparently penned this letter can’t even show his last name. Obviously, he has a severe agenda against Ms. Vernikov. I don’t know this mysterious man or what’s on his petty mind, but maybe strong women offend him? He can disagree with her, but with his many defamations, he went way further than he needed. B’H we have someone in elected office who is firmly on our side, even if we don’t agree with all her decisions.

  50. Just so we’re all aware, a sale of any property in Israel, including apartments in Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak or even Tel Aviv would invite these crazy protesters. According to them, all of Israel is in occupied lands. There is no doubt that the NYPD was more concerned with itself than with the safety of neighbors. NYC just paid millions of dollars to BLM protesters because the claimed the police was heavy handed. The fact that the police in Teaneck and the Five Towns managed to protect neighborhoods of similar events says it all. The Councilwaman was right on pointb

  51. Watercooler, if you’re against gun ownership then you don’t belong in America. Go live in some dictatorship and take all your anti-American friends with you. This is the USA, where we Jews are not guests but equal partners and citizens, and Inna is 100% correct.

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