Former Trump Chief Of Staff: Donald Told Me Hitler “Did Some Good Things,” Had More Loyal Generals Than Him

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

New reporting from CNN’s Jim Sciutto has revealed jaw-dropping praise for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler from former President Donald Trump. Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly shared conversations he had with Trump about Hitler, which were sparked by Trump’s meeting with Hungarian strongman Viktor Orban.

“He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things.’ I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,’” Kelly told Sciutto. “I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.”

“It’s pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater,” Kelly continued. “But I think it’s more, again, the tough guy thing.”

Kelly revealed that Trump’s admiration for Hitler went beyond economic policies, also expressing admiration for Hitler’s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that he himself did not have the same level of loyalty from his staff, and truly believed that generals would do anything he wanted.

“He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that,” Kelly recalled. “He truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal — that we would do anything he wanted us to do.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. I’m officially done with Yeshiva World. I left for a while, then came back for good coverage of Israel, but Yeshiva World’s insane hatred of Trump and their naïveté to print all the AP and CNN anti-Trump propaganda have driven me away again. It surprises me how some (very few) supposedly intelligent people can be so blinded by silly hatred.

  2. Such nonsense sensationalism designed specifically to make President Trump look bad, when he did so much good for this country including the soldiers; “jaw-dropping” praise would mean he praised him for trying to murder Jews, not for the supposed loyalty of his staff.

  3. I’m not surprised; this is one of many examples that prove Trump is a Rasha. Unfortunately, many Frum Jews are part of his cult.

  4. All of you guys who are getting all defensive for Trump, remember it’s okay to print news that is critical of a presidential candidate. That’s called journalism. Refusing to do so is called propaganda. And its not like YWN is so nice to Biden either.

  5. Historically speaking, he was an amazing leader. He brought Germany out of depression and made it one of the most successful countries. Unfortunately, his anti-Semitism got the better of him. But if he focused on bringing Germany out of the gutter, he did an amazing job.

  6. Everyone keeps thinking that Trump is a political personal his life and he’s not. As a non-political person, he says what’s on his mind and he is able to make a difference when talking about someone. There’s no doubt that he believes YMSH was an evil person however he separates out certain things that he did before he turned it against his own people.

    All things being equal, just remember, this country was doing darn good the first 3 years of his administration before the Democrats pushed China virus on us.

  7. The ignorance on display in these comments is remarkable, especially on a subject so critical to Jews.

    Hitler fixed the German economy by rebuilding German military power in violation of the treaties that ended The Great War. The German generals tried several times to assassinate him. I would expect Trimp’s ignorance on this subject but not readers of YWN

  8. 1. The quote is out of context.

    2. The Americans greatly admired the German autobahns (highways) and their rocketry program, and copied them both. In fact we kidnapped, and then hired, their leading rocket scientists. Trump’s long history of relationships with Jews, including non-assimilated Jews, makes it very unlikely he was listing racism as something Hitler was good at.

    3.The loyalty of Hitler’s generals was, since they tried many times to kill him. Trump probably understood that, which makes the quote indicate Trump is saying the most of the military leadership isn’t loyal to him, which is logical since American generals and admirals are supposed to be loyal to the country, not the individual politicians who temporarily command them.

  9. What a stupid,moronic article! Trump has proven his love and affection for Israel and the Jewish people in countless and myriad ways!!

  10. “Trump has proven his love and affection for Israel and the Jewish people in countless and myriad ways!!”
    So true: Just in the last few months he has shown his “affection” for EY
    “Netanyahu has betrayed us”…”Defense Minister Gallant is a Jerk”….”Hezbollah is very smart”….”We should change our foreign aid for Israel and others to loans”…..
    Its sad that some yidden still don’t get that this guy would literally throw his children and grandchildren under the proverbial bus (and back it up a few times) if he thought is would help him. He is totally transactional and sees everything in terms of “whats in it for me” rather than based on some clearly held principles or moral beliefs. He routinely invokes racist tropes and shows support on his social media for some of the most vile white supremacists and antisemites and then claims he “didn’t know” who they were or what they stood for.

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