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Pirchei Agudas Yisroel Siyum Celebration – In Honor of Boys Who Finished ALL of Mishnayos

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America wishes mazel tov and a tremendous yasher koach to the many boys across America who completed learning all of shishah sidrei mishnah in honor of their bar mitzvahs.

Pirchei’s Mishnayos program encourages boys to learn mishnayos on their own during their out-of-school or vacation time. These boys took the initiative and ran with it, finishing all of shishah sidrei mishnah before their bar mitzvahs. Some boys spent nearly four years learning to reach this milestone, with some even reviewing all their learning multiple times.

In honor of this momentous achievement, the mesaymim together with their families were invited to an exclusive deluxe siyum held on Sunday in The Boutique Event Space in Passaic, NJ, where the boys were treated with all the honor fitting of such hasmadah and hard work.

Rabbi Yehuda Kohn, national director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel, opened the evening with remarks and stories of the importance of limud mishnayos, and was followed by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudas Yisroel of America. Rabbi Zwiebel praised the mesaymim, explaining the significance of their accomplishments specifically in the current difficult time.

A number of the mesaymim were called up to read the last mishnah and to recite the hadran and Mr. Abe Eisner led the kaddish, followed by spirited dancing in honor of the siyum.

Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudas Yisroel of America, was mechazek the boys with the knowledge that all of Klal Yisroel reaps tremendous benefits from the learning of just one individual.

Rabbi Bentzion Klatzko, founder,, senior manager at Olami, and father of mesayim Meyer Klatzko, then emotionally described his own experiences as a boy in Pirchei, and the lifelong impact Pirchei had on him.

The simchah and kavod haTorah was palpable as each boy then received a certificate of recognition and beautiful set of Shas in honor of his achievement.

Pirchei’s new mishnayos initiative, Mishna Rishona, has been recognized worldwide, with boys across the world being mesayim on masechtos they truly understand and have been koneh.

“What these boys have accomplished is nothing short of incredible. One father told me that his son knows most of mishnayos- ba’al peh, that is something remarkable!” said Rabbi Kohn. “Pirchei is extraordinarily proud of Sunday’s mesaymim, and we wish them much hatzlachah in their continued hasmadah.”

To learn more about Pirchei’s Mishna Rishona program please visit or email [email protected].

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