WATCH: Trump Releases BRUTAL Ad Suggesting Biden Will Die In Office

The presidential campaign of Joe Biden is clutching their pearls over a new ad from a pro-Trump PAC that suggests Biden will die in office if he wins a second term.

“If Biden wins, can he even survive til 2029?” a narrator says following clips of Biden showing his infamous instability and forgetfulness. “The real question is, can we?” it adds, showing Vice President Kamala Harris belting our her mind-numbing cackle of a laugh.

Biden-Harris campaign spokesperson Ammar Mousa issued a statement to Mediaite, calling the ad a “sick and deranged stunt” from a “broke and struggling campaign” that cannot defend Trump’s policies.

“This is a sick and deranged stunt from a broke and struggling campaign that can’t defend Trump’s extreme Project 2025 agenda to ban abortion, separate families, raise costs on the middle class, repeal health care, and sow chaos and division,” Mousa said. “Trump tried this strategy four years ago and got his [behind] kicked by Joe Biden – he should tune in tonight alongside tens of millions of Americans to see why President Biden will beat him again this November.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Let’s see Trump pay up the 80 million to E Carrol and the hundreds of millions to NY and be convicted for Jan 6th and for stealing US secrets planning to sell them.
    Trump is a loser.

  2. @jackk

    You used to frustrate me by posting lies, hypocritical statements and comments that were purposely intended to mislead others- and then ignoring my responses when I pointed them out.

    I don’t even bother refuting what you or the other anti- Hashem and anti- Torah posters have to say anymore. It’s something you all will have to deal with in the next world.

    For now though, I just chuckle at what you loony libs thinks is true (or pretends is true because you want it to be true) and keep on going.

  3. Unlike Britain, where “compassing” the death of the monarch is technically (but not really) illegal, it is merely rude to speculate on a politician’s death, but in reality, both Trump and Biden are too old to start a term. For Trump this can be a good opportunity since he can a Vice-President who broadens his appeal (of those being mention, Tim Scott would appeal to the non-Trump Republicans based on his record and his “Morning in America” style, and Tulsi Gabbard would show a willingness to go after Democrats alienated by their party’s growing focus on the WOKE policies and serving the needs of the economic and social elites. And if Biden does drop out, Harris can similarly pick a Vice-President who can add a lot to the ticket.

    Instead of addressing the issues confronting the proletarian “deplorables” who form Trump’s base, the Democrats seem to focus on name calling, misrepresentation, and lawfare (lawsuits brought for harassment in blue jurisdictions with no legal merit). Actually, Mrs. Harris used to be a moderate policy wonk, and they should probably get her back in that mode, but the Democrats are so fixated on her being off-white and the child of immigrants, they ignore what she can do in favor of what she is, which is the modus operand of 21st century Democrats.

  4. Fool. Not everything that is thought needs to be said. I might agree with him, but silence would serve us all better. A more important critique for Biden would be his use of Hamas numbers, known to be false, and his tacit support for Hamas. That needs to be challenged at every level. But Biden is just as happy giving his voice to the terrorists who masquerade as members of Congress. I daven for the demise of all of them.

  5. I cannot survive even 1 more nano-second with crooked joe in office, let alone thru Noon of 1/20/2029, and could even less so survive Harris in office for even 1 nano-nano-second.

  6. Fake News! The ad for Trump never suggests Biden will die in office. It asks rhetorically if he can survive, meaning with his rapid mental and cognitive decline, he would not be mentally able to finish out his term. This is no stunt. It is what is on everyone’s mind. Please change the title of the news story.

  7. Unless one is an “Ortho-crat” (IE a Democrat who attends an Orthodox synagogue), there’s nothing brutal about the ad Trump’s campaign put out.

    The ad is simply asking fair and reasonable questions as to whether Biden’s mental and physical condition are sufficient for Biden to serve as POTUS until 2029.

  8. Dr. Pepper,

    Definitely voting for the candidate that lost last time and then proceeded to violently prevent the transfer of powers to the current president is the way to go. Unbelievable.

  9. For the large numbers of yidden who don’t want to see EITHER of these guys in the oval office, perhaps the better option is to hope that Trump suffers a disabling but not terminal condition that keeps him from running for office

  10. @jackk

    There you go again- purposely leaving out important facts- I’ll add some of them in for you.

    There were no new wars under Former (and hopefully future) President Trump. Eretz Yisroel much was safer under his term than the current administration. Iran was brought to the brink of collapse. Mr. Trump is probably the only person on the planet with the skills to even begin cleaning up the damage created by President Biden.

    Under President Biden two horrific wars broke out. Iran was given billions of Dollars (not from US taxpayers but the world would have been better off if he wouldn’t have released it to them). Inflation is out of control, illegals by the millions are flowing across the southern border with who knows what kinds of weapons and drugs.

    But here’s something even more unbelievable- someone who is supposedly Frum, puts on Tefillin during the week, is שומר שבת, and stays up on שבועת night learning would sooner throw Hashem and the Torah under the bus and vote for the current president who advocates for the slaughter of unborn children, allowing perverts into girls locker rooms and wants to take away the ability for law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the skyrocketing crime.

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