INSANITY: Basketball Great On National TV Threatens To Punch Black People Wearing Trump’s Mugshot [SEE VIDEO]

In a candid interview on CNN, NBA legend Charles Barkley fiercely criticized Donald Trump’s claims about his popularity among black Americans, and threatened to punch any black person wearing a shirt with Trump’s mugshot on it.

Ahead of clinching the Republican primary victory, Trump boasted about the supposed affinity Black people have developed for him, particularly after his arrest related to efforts to contest the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia.

Trump, speaking at the Black Conservative Federation’s annual Honors Gala, claimed, “When I did the mug shot in Atlanta, that mug shot is No. 1. You know who embraced it more than anyone else? The Black population.”

The remark drew a sharp rebuke from Barkley, who expressed disbelief and anger over the notion. “First of all, I’m just gonna say this: if I see a Black person walking around with Trump’s mugshot, I’m [gonna] punch him in the face,” the NBA icon vehemently stated.

The conversation took a lighter turn when King highlighted the legal implications of Barkley’s hypothetical actions, to which he humorously replied, “I will bail myself out and go celebrate.”

However, Barkley’s tone grew serious as he condemned Trump’s comparison of his legal troubles to the historical discrimination faced by Black Americans.

“To compare Black history, when we’ve been discriminated against, to his plight—first of all, he’s a billionaire, and they’re prosecuting him for stuff he did wrong. … Well, some of the stuff is true. They did storm the Capitol, they did say that the election was stolen. Those aren’t lies, Gayle,” Barkley argued.

The NBA legend further criticized Trump for drawing parallels between his experiences and the systemic injustices Black people have endured, labeling it a profound insult.

“He’s had a great life. He’s been President of the United States. To insult Black people who have been discriminated against all these years, to put them in the same category,” Barkley said, adding, “I was just offended.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. He was “offended.” I am so sorry you were “offended.” The record number of black Americans who voted for Republicans in general and for Mr. Trump in particular, also “offends” you? Do the black Americans who have seen opportunity in America, who have allowed themselves to become educated and to climb the economic and social ladder “offend” you as well? Yes “they stormed the capitol on January 6th, but the courts will decide if Mr. Trump caused that. The right to protest is protected in this country. If it were not, how many BLM protestors would have been arrested? Yes they claimed the election was stolen and that there was wide-spread fraud. Their right to claim them is protected. The courts will get to decide if they fabricated these claims or if they really were led to believe this was case. A growing section of the black American population are beginning to realize how they have become victim of a far worse form of slavery that the one which existed prior to the Civil War. Slavery to welfare. Slavery to food stamps. Slavery to unemployment.

  2. The Democrats are increasingly relying on “Trump derangement syndrome” (claim Trump is the great satan, and anyone who supports him is an enemy of the people in need of cancelling), and ignoring policy and issues. It rallies their base, and alienates everyone else. While Trump’s “chaos” sort of balances, it appears that those alienated by the Democrats extreme vilification of Trump not exceeds those alienated by Trump’s nastiness (usually limited to sound bites – he becomes much more reasonable if he needs to talk in paragraphs).

  3. This low IQ idiot who’s only on TV cuz he could dribble a basketball 30 years ago has a long history of violent actions along with an arrest record. Also worth pointing out that blacks are 12% of the population in the US. Black men are 6% of the population. Black men in their prime criminal years of 18-35 are less than 3% of the population. Yet they make up 60% of the prison population. And this fat woketard who made it off the plantation is claiming blacks should be offended by Trump saying they support him?!

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