NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger Launches Bid For Seat In State Assembly

This morning, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein, a 44-year incumbent representing Flatbush, Midwood and Sheepshead Bay, announced that she would not run for re-election. Weinstein serves as the chair of the powerful Assembly Ways and Means Committee.

Councilman Kalman Yeger, who serves in a council district overlapping with Weinstein’s, announced that he would run to succeed her in Albany.

“After close to 44 years serving the residents of the 41st Assembly District and the people of New York, I have decided to retire at the end of this term,” said Assemblywoman Weinstein. “I want to thank all of my constituents throughout the years for placing their confidence in me. I also wish to thank all of my current and past staff members both in Albany and Brooklyn who have assisted me and our community throughout my years in office. It has been the greatest honor to serve as an Assemblymember.”

“After I decided to retire, I reached out and encouraged Kalman to run for Assembly,” said Weinstein. “I can think of no better successor than Kalman, someone I have known for years, a dedicated public servant.”

Councilman Yeger, 49, currently holds the 44th City Council seat, representing the neighborhoods of Boro Park and Midwood. As a conservative Democrat who has also run on the Republican and Conservative tickets, he has established a reputation as a frequent dissenter in the liberal-leaning Council, often casting a ‘No’ vote on progressive legislation.

Councilman Kalman Yeger said, “Public service is the honor of a lifetime, and I have devoted my life to serving our community, as a council member and community board member for 18 years before that. The 41st Assembly District is a special community, my lifelong home, and has been served immensely well by Assemblywoman Weinstein. I look forward to making the case to my neighbors for the opportunity to represent all of us in Albany.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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