UPDATED – Kiryas Joel Cleaning Lady Arrested For “Cleaning” Homes

ps.jpg[UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] A cleaning lady has been arrested this morning in Kiryas Joel, after a successful operation by the Kiryas Joel Public Safety Officers, YWN has learned.

The 23-year-old (Hispanic) female who was working in numerous homes throughout Kiryas Joel, was suspected of robbing the homes that she was working in. Residents were complaining to Public Safety that money was constantly missing from the homes she was working in, so a plan was put into place to nab the thief.

On Monday morning, a sophisticated sting operation was organized in the home she was scheduled to work in. Sure enough, just 30 minutes after starting her work day, the currency was missing, and the woman was apprehended – with the stolen money in her possession.

She was taken away in a New York State Police cruiser, and charged with grand larceny. She is expected to be taken before a judge on Monday afternoon.

Kiryas Joel Public Safety Director Moses Witroil spoke with YWN – and publicly urges anyone using a cleaning lady to never keep valuables out in the open. “No matter how much you trust your cleaning help, remember that they are not your family member, and valuables must be kept out of sight”.

UPDATE 5:30PM EST: The suspect has been charged with 3 counts of grand larceny, and placed in the Orange County Jail in lieu of $7,500 bail (cash) or $1,500 bond.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

13 Responses

  1. To markjeremy:

    I don’t know you or your background, but as someone who seeks the truth as you seem to be doing, you deserve an answer to your most valid question.

    The question, “why do we need to know she is Hispanic” is based on an “all men are created equal” outlook. But this is not the case and to deny this is to deny a Torah truth. Yishmael is kindness gone astray. Eisav is strict judgement (din) to the extreme. Indeed every nation has its trait. It is that triat that lead them to decline accepting the Torah. Only Klall Yisroel is Tzedek/balanced and Yeshurun/straight and in the middle of the road.

  2. She sure was cleaning them out all right. Maybe she had to pay off the debts she incurred by hiring all of those immigration lawyers that she needed. I hope they ship her back on the first banana boat bound for Cuba.

  3. It’s not so much that the article mentions she is hispanic as it is the WAY it is mentioned. “A 23 year old (Hispanic) female who was working in numerous homes ….” seems to take for granted that the perpetrator would have to be “one of those”. I can almost feel the nudge and see the wink that the writer is giving to his “chavrusa” as he shares this story.

    How come the article didn’t say “A 23 year old Hispanic (female) who was working in numerous homes ….”? The parenthesis surrounds the “duh” statement.

  4. Very nice, shuali.

    I would add that all men ARE created equal with regards to American law as it is applicable to them, but to deny your point would be denying part of the Torah, Ch”V.

  5. When “Yoeli” went to Lijensk, This lady invited him for Dinner. You know I can’t eat by you, its not Kosher . Yoeli she Says , who do you think cooked and cleansed the chicken in Kiyas Joel if not me and my friends. Yes I know he replies but your plates and pans are not kosher . Don’t worry she says There all Yours…

  6. Was she a legal worker if not how coyld they go to court the people would have a crime for hiring illegal worker???????????? most cleaning ladies arent legal.

  7. Shuali.
    you’re right. Goyim hate jews.
    But why would we want to hate back?

    It’s called the news. It’s not a dvar torah.
    Should it also have included a short vort about how cleanliness is one of the steps of spiritual development?

    please. the fact that she was hispanic had nothing to do with the story. the cleaning lady stole something. would they put in the story that she was white if she happened to be caucasian?

    Also: how can Jews steal money if they are the only ones that are Tzedek/balanced??? How’s that possible?

    Are you seeking truth?

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