Boro Park Shomrim Retrieve Thousands In Medical Equipment Following Hatzolah Vehicle Break-In

When a Hatzolah member’s vehicle was broken into and thousands of dollars worth of medical equipment – including a trauma bag and AED equipment – were stolen last Friday night, Boro Park Shomrim leapt into action.

Having received a report about the break-in on Motzei Shabbos, Shomrim members immediately went to the scene and began reviewing security camera footage in the area, attempting to determine where the perpetrators had gone following their act of thievery.

Following a roughly 45-minute thorough review, Shomrim members ascertained where the thieves had headed and where the equipment could be found. Several minutes later, members searching an area several blocks from the scene of the crime located the expensive medical paraphernalia – having no use for them, the perps had dropped them.

The equipment were promptly returned to the Hatzolah member, while a search continues for the suspects.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. These perps need to be entered onto a international registry to never be eligible for any medical treatment for life, since clearly they have no regard nor concern for such equipment

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