TEHILIM ALERT – Hagon Rav Chaim Pinchos Sheinberg Taken to Hospital

shei.jpgHagon Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg Shlita, the elder of Roshei Yeshiva and Rosh Yeshiva Torah Or, collapsed on Shabbos and is reported in serious condition.

At about 1:00PM, shortly following his seudas Shabbos, the Rav collapsed. He was unresponsive to those around him. A family member summoned a physician, who lives nearby and he determined the Rav’s condition is serious and that he should immediately be transported to a hospital.

He was transported by paramedics to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. It appears that a violent bacteria has infected the Rav’s body. The Rav’s has regained consciousness and is being treated with intravenous antibiotics but his condition late motzei Shabbos remained serious.

It is reported that on Thursday night, the Rav Shlita took part in a wedding in the Tamir Hall, well into the night and on Shabbos morning, he appeared fine – even davening musaf as shaliach tzibur in Torah Or.

tehillim3.jpg[Click on image to ENLARGE] The public is requested to daven for Chaim Pinchas ben Yosefa.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

24 Responses

  1. I can’t believe what’s happening to Klal Yisroel.

    Rabosei, Rabosei I scream ” lets wake up” we are going through, such dangerous moments in Klal Yisroel, and need the gedolim so much, ” Hashem we can’t survive otherwise, please Hashem Help us “

  2. my father visited the rosh yeshiva last night in shaarei tzedek, he had a conversation with him. he had a little fever which they think was caused by a bacterial infection and he is on antibiotics.!
    may he have a complete refuah.

  3. should they have called MDA or Hatzolah rather then going to find a DR. ? who could not have been home etc?? if the goan collapsed would that have been the wise choice

  4. As an important note, anytime someone becomes unresponsive, you call 911 or Hatzolah immediately. In cardiac arrest, every second that goes by before arriving at the hospital lowers the chance of survival by a lot.

  5. Moshe Mulva & cprntr

    A Tzadik that is on this world protects us from various Tzaros. When it is one of the Ziknei Roshei HaYeshiva the Zechus of his learning, his Davening, his Mitzvos are compounded by all the people that are following in the Derech haTorah due to him.

    The leaders of a generation, mirror the people of the generation. Obviously the fact that our leaders are not on the same level as in previous generations, shows us how low our generation, including me, has sunk.

  6. Why are the editors allowing these comments (4+7)? What happened to the rules page about showing kavod for gedolim?

    For anyone who learns, they would know that the world can not go on without our gedolim. They are needed to lead the generation, and give us their zechusim. The gemara in many places describes that when gedolim pass on, it is a great danger to the world.

    When did YWN become so lax on moderation?

  7. #4, Rabbi Sheinberg sees many people every day. He answers Shailos both personally and for the klal every day. I was in EY in February and got to spend from the most precious 15 minutes in my life with him. I recorded it and it inspires me all the time.

    R’ Sheinberg spoke about the value of time. He said that he was 97 and a half years old stressing the half. He says this not without thought. He utilizes every moment for kavod Hashem. How can you talk so non-chalantly about his sickness? He is one of the last people that can tell a personal story of meeting the Chofetz Chaim!!

    Please say Tehillim and ask Hashem to give R’ Sheinberg a complete refuah shelaima. We need Gedolim like this for as long as Hashem blesses us with them.

  8. To #4 – Our Gedolim are a shield of protection on the entire generation.

    From your tone, you probably were never “zoche” to meet or hear Rabbi Sheinberg, Shlit”a.

    FYI – He is one of the oldest gedolim in our time and travels a few times a year to America, and inspires all to a Torah life with his presence. Do you know hundreds of AMERICAN Bochurim learned in his Yeshivas? I was privliged to get a bracha from him here in the US on numerous occasions, and as recently as this month. The Rosh Yeshiva shlit”a is dedicated to Klal Yisroel and is a link to the past generation, who else can say over a story about what the Chofetz Chaim told him when he arrived as an American Yungerman to learn in Yeshiva in Europe?

    Despite his old age, a few weeks ago R’ Sheinberg spoke in Deal, NJ to a crowd of 200+ people Shabbat morning who took in every word with great attention.

    It is a significant responsibility for everyone to DAVEN for the welfare of our Gedolei Yisrael.

  9. To be fair, even though #4 didn’t express himself well, I understand what he means (I think.) It is terrible when a Tzaddik/Gaon takes ill & we all, quite rightly, beit the Aibishter to have Rachumnes on him & thereby, on us.

    However, we are all mortal & until Moshiach comes people do R”L get ill & sometimes the outcome is bad. NOW PLEASE READ WHAT I WRITE CAREFULLY.

    The real tragedy is the young person who hasn’t had a chance to inspire us & make us better people. The 2 wonderful young wives who passed away recently aged 24 & 26 in 1 month in Crown Heights is a perfect example.

    OF COURSE we cry when a holy person takes ill. But we are all holy Neshomos & the Aibishter must protect us all…the Gedolim to whom we turn for guidance & the young people to whom we look for the future.

    May the Rav have an IMMEDIATE refuah so he can continue his holy work & bentch us all as we approach Chodesh Elul & the days before Tishrei. I am saying Tehillim for his Refuah along with thousands worldwide & G-d will surely listen.

  10. my rosh yeshiva is a talmid of rabbi scheinberg shlita and is both very close and lives near him, I just phoned him. he says that rabbi scheinberg shlita is doing well and should be leave hospital iyh on tuesday.

    he never collapsed he had high fever and was shaking they then called the doctor who upoun examining him made him go straight to hospital

  11. I am thoroughly reoulsed by such a sentiment as ‘well, people are old..’ – gedolim are not just people – in nay other generation, no one would have spoken that way. No one would have the chutzpah to speak about the gedolei hador in that way – we DO need the gedolim, their zchusim, their clearer outlook and wisdom – maybe the poster who nonchalantly spoke that way does not think we need the gedolim, but they are of such unimaginable importance..

    every time we lose a gadol, we get covered by a deeper veil, our connection to hashem is weakened, and we suffer – the shechina suffers, and the entire world loses a part of its foundation(tzadik yesod haolam).

    You’d better write a retraction. A gadol in danger at an older age is not comparable to old goyim, which is what you sound like you’re doing with that sentiment.

  12. To Moshe Mi Umar LdVorim Alu: I think that you are missing one of the basic beliefs in Yiddishkeit which in turn Chazal call an Apikores. We know that Chazal tell us that one who says mai ahni lan rabanan, what do rabanan help us, is an apikores. We know that the aroh hakodesh in the bais Hamikdosh had no function yet was the source of the hashroas hashechina for all of the world, bringing with it limitless “hashpoah” of kedusha and protection for klal yisroel. Rabbi Scheinberg (although correct, I and many others have not spoken or dealt with him ever or in a very long time) is one of the preeminent talmidei chachomin/ poskim/ roshei hayeshiva of our generation. I think that your comment “borders” on mai ahni lan rabanan, what do rabanan as one who appreciates d’ahani lan rabbanan could never make such a comment.

  13. #4 moshe mulva ‘
    there are very fundamental things in our mesorah about the effect such a man of torah has on the world, giving it shefa, protecting it from harm, giving all of clall yisroel a better connection to the boireh oylam. i think the question isn’t who had shaychus w/ R Sheinberg but rather who didn’t have shaychus w\ him.any yid w/ a neshama benefits from the tzaddik whether we know him or not.ask you’re local orthodox rabbi for more details.

  14. I think alot of people posting right now are being overly sensitive and missing the point of #4 and #7.

    Of course the gedolim are like gems which shine our lives with inspiration. Even if they live to 120 it would not be enough time to gain wisdom from them.

    The point of the posts was to put the situation into perspective and not cry that the sky is falling. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE RABBANIM AND GEDOLIM TO GUIDE US.

    It’s sad that people judge each other so quickly, especially after tisha b’av. What ever happened to being dan ‘chaf zchut.

    Really shamefull…..

  15. BS”D

    One of the reasons I enjoy this site is that it is relatively free of troll comments. However, poster 4 is a known troll who pollutes another frum site that is not as well moderated as this one. While this comment shows him for what he is – someone looking for attention – it is not worth giving him another venue to get the attention he lacks.

    Lehavdil elef havdolos, besides everything else, Reb Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg is one of the few of his generation to have grown up in the US before the post World War 2 period and to have remained a Torah true Jew. He has merited to see a revival of Torah Judaism that he would never have expected to have seen, and he is indeed an integral part of this revival.

    May this godol beYisroel who survived not the fire of the Shoah but rather the water of American assimilation be with us ad bias hagoel!

  16. Just today Reb Yisroel Neumann spoke about how when an older person passes away that needs to be a BIGGER Hisorerus. I encourage you to listen to it on Kol Halashon. (Look up the number on the thread about Rebetzin Miller A”H).

  17. When Rav Moshe Feinstein, zatzal and Rav Yakov Kaminetzky, zatzal were niftar within about two weeks of each other several years ago there were asifos to mourn the tragedy and there were yeshivos that had half-day fasts. One of the things that was discussed was that even though they both had arichas yomim, it is still a day of availus and a tragedy to Klal Yisroel to lose such tzadikim.
    Lihavdil bain chaim l’chaim, Rav Sheinberg, shlita is one of the Gedolei Hador, and one of very few left from the previous generation. May we continue to be zoche to many more years of his leadership as (to use the words he concludes his shmoozin with) we “keep smiling and keep going”.

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