Obama Chooses Running Mate: Joseph Biden

ob.jpgSenator Barack Obama has chosen Senator Joseph Biden Jr. of Delaware to be his running-mate, turning to a leading authority on foreign policy and a longtime Washington hand to fill out the Democratic ticket, people told of the decision said.

Obama’s selection ended a two-month search that was conducted almost entirely in secret. It reflected a critical strategic choice by Obama: To go with a running-mate who could reassure voters about gaps in his resume, rather than to pick someone who could deliver a state or reinforce Obama’s message of change.

Biden is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and is familiar with foreign leaders and diplomats around the world. Although he initially voted to authorize the war in Iraq – Obama opposed it from the start – Biden became a persistent critic of President George W. Bush’s policies in Iraq.

(Associated Press)

16 Responses

  1. in spite of my dislike for obama, based on many personal opinions, his choice for veep , sen joe biden was a streak of genious.it changes to a large degree the image of barak obama and creates a serious challenge to the mccane republican ticket. of course, meccane will have his song to sing upon choosing his veep candidate . i think barak and joe will offer serious challenge to the republican ticket.

  2. My guess is that barrak hussen obama really liked the tribute by biden in the New York Observer:

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man

  3. That’s a sure win for the republicans. Biden is one of the dumbest senators ever. He cant open his mouth without something stupid coming out of it.

  4. It was not a great pick – he should have picked Hillary – who cares if he doesnt like her – I think mccain will win by alot by the time this is all over

  5. BS’D

    I’m a yeshiva educated professional with four college degrees. I am conservative so, obviously, I voted against Joe Lieberman, the not so conservative Orthodox Jewish VP candidate. I will again vote against a Jew,the 2008 VP democratic candidate, Jewish Joseph Biden.

    I believe that the choice in this year’s presidential election is the choice between a broken finger (Mr. McCain) and a massive heart attack (Mr. Obama). I’ll take the broken finger.

    Many have rightly observed that Mr. Obama’s win will be an Obama-nation (abomination). I agree. Many consider Mr. Obama to be a political messiah. Well, the first four letters of messiah spell “mess.” Since I want Mr. Obama to lose, I am happy that he chose a Jewish running mate. There will be thousands of Americans who perhaps would consider voting for a Black but a Black and a Jew would be just too much.

    I heard a radio interview where Mr. Obama was asked this hypothetical question, “If one of your daughters got pregnant before marriage, would you support her getting an abortion?” He said, “We teach our children the difference between right and wrong. However, if one of my daughters made a mistake, I would not want her punished with a child.” Well, I would not want my country punished with an Obama presidency.

    After Mr. Obama won one of the last primaries, Mrs. Obama was widely quoted, “This the the first time that I have been really proud of my country.” I called a talk show and said I became really proud of my country in elementary school when I learned that my country decided to stop buying slaves in 1865 when African chieftains were still willing to make a buck selling their brothers into slavery. The Africans were still willing to sell but the Americans would no longer buy. That made me really proud!”

    On a lighter note… When I first heard the name “Barack Obama and saw his face, I had a Hav-amina that he was the son of non-religious Israeli mother and an African father. I know Jewish men with the first name Barak. Well, I Paskened it up from a Mishna. The Mishna says, “Bameh madlikin, (from when do we light), Obama ain madlikin (Obama does not light at all because he is not Jewish.

  6. #7-
    Joe Biden is Catholic, not Jewish.
    Random fact: Senator Biden lost his wife and daughter in a car accident many years ago. In order to serve both his country and family, he lived at home in Delaware and commuted, via Amtrak, to D.C.
    Lets hope that people do not vote on race, as you suggest, but on content of character.

  7. frum not crum ,

    You may have 4 college degrees, but you are wrong about Biden being Jewish. He is Roman Catholic. His son unfortunately married a jewish girl with the last name Berger and he claims he had a pesach seder by her parents. Maybe that is what you are mixing up. Look it up, he isn’t jewish, just a phony politician claiming to be a zionist. Mccain best choice though may be a jewish politician from virgina, Eric Cantor, one of Israels biggest supporters and from what i hear he keeps kosher and is a real mentch. he is also a fresh face, which ironically fits more with obamas change than Mccain experience. He is also very conservative, so he would make a really good pick. Hopefully, he doesn’t make a dumb choice and pick Lieberman.

  8. I to hope Mccain picks Cantor – Hes great – but I think Romney will be his choice – and I hes my second pick – Any frum person who votes for Obama over mccain has not been paying attention to politics the last 15 years

  9. I like the way Mcains’ add shows a video from about 8 months ago of Biden(who at the time was also trying to win the primary)saying,”I do not think Obama is fit to be the president”. but all of a sudden when he is chosen as his running mate …….

  10. This is another highly intelligent move on Obama’s part and falls in line with his allegedly brilliant administrative skills all through the campaign and as a freshman senator.

    For some of you, Biden, a working politician, helps alleviate the rhetoric and spookiness about Obama being some communist, arab- garbed terrorist throwing molotov cocktails at the White House walls.

    Obama’s senate voting record is quite similar to McCain other than the fact that Obama voted more often while McCain abstained on many key votes. Look up the actual voting record.

    Obama is an intelligent Harvard Law Review editor, as voted in by his colleagues. His administrative intelligence is showing more and more.

    McCain is truly a hero. What he withstood for this country and his men, when he could have had earlier release only if they accompanied him out of the Hanoi Hilton, speaks volumes about loyalty and courage. But he is not a hero because he was an ace-fighter pilot, or graduated top of his class; quite the opposite.

    I suggest you look at Illinois and Delaware in comparison to Arizona which is on the way to bankruptcy due to the illegal aliens. And when the Minutemen looked to McCain for help, he repsonded with co-writing the Amnesty (Kennedy/McCain) Bill.

    Israel-wise, Obama has an impressive voting record for Israel and nothing of the contrary, especially in comparison to McCain.

    Obama may even get a voucher system going and restore the health care coverage lost to many in our community.

    I think he will make a fine administrator, for a change.

  11. Yoreh, during the 1998 campaign he gave a speech that borrowed heavily from a speech of Neil Kinnock’s, and did not give Kinnock credit. Although in the past he’d credited Kinnock for speeches he used, this time he failed to do so. By this point his campaign had already begun to lag behind that of Michael Dukakis (the eventual nominee) & Dick Gephardt & he resigned soon after.

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