ALERT – Sullivan County: Items Stolen From Dozens Of Cars

YWN has learned that dozens of cars have been broken into in the past week in the Monticello area. The most recent rash of break-ins was early Friday morning (Thursday night), and the thieves hit the Monticello area (Freeds Bungalows, Syms etc) on Fraser Road near Old Liberty Road.

A few days ago, cars parked at Alpine Estates on Route 42 were robbed, as well as Beverly Hills & Ichud (Ideal Bungalows) were broken into as well.

In most cases, just GPS systems were stolen (more than 50!), but other items have been taken also.

The Sullivan County Sheriff Department, under the dedicated leadership of Sheriff Mike Schiff, and Undersheriff Eric Chaboty has assured YWN that everything is being done to apprehend the suspects. “Extra patrols are being placed on the roads, and we will be focusing on camps, colonies, and developments in the area”, Mike Schiff told YWN.

Undersheriff Chaboty told YWN that people should be vigilant, lock their car doors, and not leave anything valuable in plain sight.

“Detectives are working on this case as we speak, and we will do everything in our power to make arrests as soon as we can”, Chaboty said.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

4 Responses

  1. I had my car window smashed open with a rock!
    The car was parked in front of a camp in South Fallsburg! Was a big headache… I didn’t want to fix it locally, like the police suggested, because I feel it might be the car glass company behind all broken windows….
    Nothing from the car was stolen…. Just rushos!

  2. While I don’t condone theft, we need to be reminded that we don’t do things like this in the ‘City.’

    Let’s face it, people are hurting and they see the ‘wealthy’ city people as an easy target. I take my GPS with me whether I am in NYC or the “country.”

    Parking at many of the colonies is not secure, and many of us arriving minutes before Shabbat literally almost park on the dark roads. So it’s easy for someone to break in and get out fast.

    However the good news is Sullivan County is much stricter than the slap on the wrist NYC judges. So hopefully these thieves will be arrested and prosecuted – whether they are local goyim or our own troubled youths.

    Before everyone rips into me for throwing our own in there, look at all the stories this summer with drugs and so on. Hocking GPS units is a great way to make a score for your drugs.

    So do you job as responsible citizens… lock up your valuables and report suspicious behavior. If your kids are going through a difficult time and they don’t have a job, you might want to ask where that fancy GPS, which you didn’t buy for them, came from.

    Sorry if I offended anyone, but it’s our job to protect ourselves first.

  3. The Sherrif needs to start practicing now, because when the Casinos come, its going to be a lot worse than this. Casinos will atract an unfortunate elelment to the area, as it has happened everywhere else a casino was built in this country.

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