Petira of Rebbitzen Ethel Miller A”H

candle726.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Ethel Miller A”H, the wife of Hagon Rav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL – at the age of 97.

There are two Levayas scheduled: 9:30AM Sunday morning in Lakewood at Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen’s Shul (Ateres Yishaya); Sunday afternoon at 12:30PM at “Rabbi Millers Shul”, [Bais Yisroel Torah Center] 1821 Ocean Parkway – between Avenue’s R & S. The Kevura will take place in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

15 Responses

  1. Kol Haloshon plans to carry the Hespedim LIVE. To hear the hespedim, dial (718) 906-6400 and at the main menu press *

    To hear the hespedim later on, they will be archived in the hespedim section. At the main menu, Press 1 for English, Press 8 for Hespedim.

  2. What a great old time Rebitzen, took care of “THE ROV” with such devotion while raising a wonderful chashuva mishpacha.UPDATE- The levaya in Lakewood will be tomorrow morning (sun) 9:30AM at K’hal Ateres Yeshaya. The levaya will then be at THE ROV Z’TZAL’s shul on Ocean Parkway at 12:30PM.
    Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

  3. Baruch dayan haemet.

    Behind ever great man is a great woman and knowing what a remarkable man Rabbi Miller was you can just imagine what type of woman his Rabbanit was.

  4. Eating at their house on Shabbos, watching how a Tzadik and a real tzadaikes intracted, it was the closest thing to the Bais Hamikdash. With her Petirah, it is the end of a legacy of a couple how they built hundreds of thousands of nishomas, if not millions. This is a true AYVUL YOCHID.
    Rabbi Miller zatza”l gave us the DUGMAH of true yiras shomayim. While his Rebebetzin was around, he was still around for us. With her petirah, we became true yesomim. I am jelous of her, at the olam habah which is waiting for her, the aishel chover and chayil of such a tzadik. I owe my life to him, and pray that I could receive some of the reception from him, of that his Rebebetzin will be receiving.
    We could truly make a boruch dayan haemes with simcha, thanking Hahsem hatov, for giving such wonderful examples from whom to follw, the Millers z”l.
    Reb Shmuel and Reb Eliezer, Rebetzin Brog, Rebetzin Leshinsky and Rebetzin Kanerick should be comferted , along with the whole klala with this loss, and Hashem hatov, bizichusom, should speedily bring us the geulah which The Millers worked so hard to bring about, and that we should rejoice together with the bitchius hamaysim bimharoh biyomainu omain!

  5. I was just at the Levayah here in EY.I met Reb Simcha Sheinberg who told me his father Shlita’h is doing much better B”H!
    It was a z’chus to be able to hold the mitah of the tzadaykis whom I owe my life to. I felt like I was hold Reb Avigdor’s hand for the last time.
    Rabbi E. Brudny shlita”h, Reb Moshe Hillel Hirsh shlita”h (Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka) and one of the grandchildren (a Brog) spoke.
    Shiva here is until 10pm at Mitnick, 14 Ezras Torah, Jerusalem.
    We should be Zoche from now on to only simchos!
    (Sorry for the typos in the last comment, I wrote it without looking at the screen.)


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