Amud HaYomi, the Ultimate Antidote!

“Shall I tell you that the sun shines?” was the response of the senior posek, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, shlita, when asked what he thinks of the idea of Klal Yisrael coming together to learn Masechta Shabbos and hilchos Shabbos together in Dirshu’s upcoming Amud HaYomi and Daf Hayomi B’Halacha programs. The Gemara teaches us that if Klal Yisrael would keep two shabbosos, they would merit the geulah immediately. Perhaps two shabbosos can refer to the concurrent learning of Masechta Shabbos and hilchos Shabbos! 

“We all know that Shabbos, limud haTorah and shemiras Shabbos are the ultimate shemirah, the ultimate protection from our enemies,” Rav Zilberstein emphasized. “How much more so is learning Torah and learning about Shabbos, a protection in these times when Klal Yisrael needs so much shemirah. Thus, it is important to tap into that shemirah and invoke rachmei shomayim on behalf of Klal Yisrael and enhance our limud haTorah, especially in areas of Shabbos, which is the mekor habracha, the source of all blessing.”

These words were said in advance of the upcoming siyum on Masechta Brachos and the commencement of the learning of Masechta Shabbos in Dirshu’s new Amud HaYomi program that has, in the short months since its inception on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, taken Klal Yisrael by storm. 

Siyumim will take place throughout the world, starting this coming 10 Adar 1 with a massive siyum being held at the Sofiensäle Hall in Vienna, the city where the original Daf HaYomi was inaugurated by Rav Meir Shapiro at the first Knessiah Gedolah. 

There will also be a massive siyum in America at the upcoming Dirshu convention in Stamford, Connecticut, graced by Gedolei Yisrael and more than one thousand lomdei Dirshu. In addition, there will be large siyumim across Eretz Yisrael, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil.

The passuk says, “Hakol kol Yaakov v’hayadayim yedei Eisav – the voice is the voice of Yaakov but the hands are the hands of Eisav.” The Chasam Sofer expounds on the famous words of Chazal on that passuk that, “At the time that the voice of Yaakov is found in the shuls, the hands of Eisav have no control over them, but if not, the hands of Eisav do control them…” 

The Chasam Sofer says that when the voice of Yaakov, the talmidei chachamim are engaged in fighting and debating nuances of Torah and halacha in the beis medrash, the fighting and violence on the war front will be stilled and Eisav will have no control over Klal Yisrael.

The words of the Chasam Sofer take on extra urgency in our time. After all, it is the Chasam Sofer who teaches us that our milchama shel Torah is what neutralizes Eisav’s [and Yishmael’s] power of milchama

Now is the time to join Amud HaYomi! Now is the time to join the war to protect Klal Yisrael. Now is the time to tap into the unique koach of the Chasam Sofer

To join Amud HaYomi please contact Dirshu at [email protected] or at 1-888-5Dirshu.

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