NY Post: Bloomberg Considering Third Term

nypb.jpgFrom today’s NY Post: Mayor Bloomberg is considering extending term limits through a deal with the City Council that would allow him another four years, while also boosting lawmakers’ time in office, sources told The Post.

Bloomberg has publicly said he intends to leave when his term ends on Dec. 31, 2009, but has privately expressed interest in undoing the city’s cap of two four-year terms with a legislative change, not a public referendum, sources said.

Bloomberg has recently indicated he believes he has plenty of time next year to work out an arrangement with the council, sources said.

“It’s more ‘yes’ than ‘no’ right now,” a source said. “They think they have time to wait until after the [November] election.”

At a press conference today, the mayor for the first time left the door open to considering an extension of term limits.

Bloomberg explained that the City Council has the legal power to pass a bill that would change term limits, which was enacted and reaffirmed by public referendum.

“I don’t know what the City Council is going to do,” he said. “My job, if the City Council comes to us with a piece of legislation, we will look at it, we will consider it and we’ll make what I hope is an informed judgment into what is in the best interest of the city.”

The mayor stressed that he has no plans to run again himself.

But he indicated he’s open to amending the law to limit legislators to three terms, instead of the current two.

“There are a lot of people who say they are set at an inappropriately short level,” he said. “Rational people can have that view…”

8 Responses

  1. I have always been opposed to term limits. I think that the people should have the right to elect anyone they feel is qualified for the job. If the people are stupid enough to elect incompetent people each time, then they get the government they deserve.

    That being said, however, New York voters have twice voted for term limits by referendum. I think the only fair way of ending them is again by referendum. To have the City Council vote on it alone is, IMHO, a cheap shot at the voters of New York City and a conflict of interest.

    The Wolf

  2. 2 terms is too short. it has nothing to do with bloomberg. The 1st term they are just learning the ropes and worrying about re-election. the 2nd term they finally know what they are doing and are already lame ducks looking for another job. 3 terms makes much more sense. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for US Senators 2 have 3 terms only. and congressman should also be limited to 12 years.But I think that requires a constitutional amendment.

  3. Term limits are a way of keeping someone becoming as another poster put it, “Mayor Putin”. At some point when someone has too many terms in office he can basically have the attitude that he can do what he wants and voting him out won’t be easy.

    Bloomberg already has the press as his personal publicists. How many negative articles do u ever read about him? Do u really mean to tell me that he’s perfect? Just take a look at the congestion pricing issue. Anybody else would have been crucified in the press for that. Not him though.

    Term limits = limits on power.

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