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Young Israel Movement Calls On Obama & Dean To Cancel Carter Convention Speech

dnc.jpgThe National Council of Young Israel today called on Senator Barack Obama and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean to rescind the invitation extended to President Jimmy Carter to address next week’s convention in Denver.  In a letter sent to the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee and the DNC Chairman, NCYI President Shomo Z. Mostofsky, Esq., and NCYI Executive Vice President Rabbi Pesach Lerner cited Carter’s anti-Israel statements and actions as the reasons behind their request.

“Over the past several years, President Carter has repeatedly and relentlessly undermined Israel’s position on the world stage,” wrote Mostofsky and Lerner.  “He has blatantly disregarded the standard code of conduct on issues related to international affairs, always to the detriment of Israel and its citizens.  Affording Mr. Carter a prime speaking engagement on the Democrats’ brightest stage is an affront to the State of Israel, and to all American Zionists, whether they are Christians or Jews.”

The full text of the National Council of Young Israel’s letter appears below:

August 21, 2008

Hon. Barack Obama
Obama for America
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680

Hon. Barack Obama
United States Senate
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Hon. Howard Dean
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

Dear Senator Obama and Chairman Dean:

We are writing to express our profound disappointment at the decision to add former President James Carter to the list of speakers at next week’s Democratic National Convention.  We ask that you rescind President Carter’s invitation to address the convention in Denver.

Over the past several years, President Carter has repeatedly and relentlessly undermined Israel’s position on the world stage.  He has blatantly disregarded the standard code of conduct on issues related to international affairs, always to the detriment of Israel and its citizens.  Affording Mr. Carter a prime speaking engagement on the Democrats’ brightest stage is an affront to the State of Israel, and to all American Zionists, whether they are Christians or Jews.

Mr. Carter’s transgressions against Israel are well known and well documented.  In April 2008 he deliberately and wantonly ignored the wishes of the United States government when he traveled to Syria to meet with Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas’ terrorist organization.  The fact that he embraced Hamas, a terrorist group that has repeatedly called for the destruction of the State of Israel, the obliteration of the United States, and the annihilation of the Jewish people, was a slap in the face to Israel, the U.S., and Jews everywhere.

In addition, let us not forget Mr. Carter’s 2006 book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” in which he condemned Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians and criticized American Jews for what he called their efforts to curb any debate on the issue by exercising their power.  In his book, Mr. Carter examined the history of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and was highly critical of Israel’s policies.

A great deal of the controversy surrounding the book focused on Mr. Carter’s use of the word “apartheid” in the book’s title.  Although apartheid was the official policy of racial segregation that was used in South Africa to discriminate against non-whites, Mr. Carter said that it is an appropriate term to describe Israel’s policies in relation to its treatment of the Palestinians.

Further, it was just several months ago when Mr. Carter inexplicably disclosed to the world classified details about Israel’s nuclear program, thereby undermining Israel’s ability to properly defend itself when attacked by its enemies.

In light of President Carter’s highly disturbing position towards the State of Israel, we strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to permit him to speak at the upcoming convention.  Time and time again, Mr. Carter has proven that he has no compunction when it comes to using his bully pulpit to bully Israel, one of America’s strongest and closest allies.  As the leaders of the Democratic Party, you have the ability to right this wrong and preclude Mr. Carter from taking the stage in Denver.  It would be a shame to have such a special event for the Democratic Party tainted by the presence and involvement of an individual who has made prejudice one of his central themes.

Very truly yours,

Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, Esq., President

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President

10 Responses

  1. Unfortunately I think Carter will be catering to the two biggest mentalities that will dominate the Democratic convention; Howard Dean’s insanity and Barack Obama’s love for Anti-Semitic, leftwing groups. Jimmy Carter fits into both of these groups.

  2. S’vet helfen vi a toyten bankes.
    (Not sure what it means, but my Grandmother A”H used to say it when an effort wil get you no where.)

  3. Yatzmich, it means that it will help like putting bankes (cups) on a dead person, Chas V’shalom. Just a little yiddish colloquialism.

  4. The Obamanation doesnt care what the jews think. If he does he will change his mind within a uh oh um uh uh few uh minuted any uh way.

  5. This is hysterical… many parts of the Democrat platform are anti-Jewish values and halacha. Yet, so many Jews flock to this party. It’s utterly amazing. While I am far from a talmid chacham, but I cannot support a party that promotes immorality.

    I would encourage the opposite here. We should support Jimmy Carter’s invitation. I want those who forgot history and our young people today to see a true anti-Semite in our midst. I want people to see the fool who dumped the Shah for the Ayatollahs. I want people to see the fool who let Islamic fascism grow under his watch. I want people to see the fool who tried to rescue our hostages in Iran with 6 helicopters. I want everyone to see the fool who got pushed around by the Soviets. I want people to remember the miserable years of inflation, gas lines, and his silly cardigans.

    Bring it on!

  6. I don’t know what “nfgo”(commenter # 4) is thinking, but aside from the very important fact that Obama would be the worst thing that could happen politically for Israel since Carter, The man has absolutely NO credentials to be president. If someone applied for a job in the business world with relatively the same degree of experience, he wouldn’t even be called for an interview. The fact is, if not for his race, he would never have even been considered. Kol HaKavod to Y.I. for speaking up to keep Carter the anti-semite from having a national forum for his despicable agenda.

  7. It is not Obama’s call. He is expecting the party to formally give him the nomination as their candidate for the office of the president. Again, Obama is not in any position of authority at this convention. Further, the party will not ban any living president from attending any convention, regardless of how off the wall they are. Objectively, both parties have their members who have their loyal followers and those who vehemently oppose that same member.

    An editorial note is this appeal to Obama is to give him a hard time. Within the frum community, it is not merely enough to not agree with Obama, there are severe, harsh, rhetorical, reactionay views on a senator who pretty much has a more stable voting record than his expected rival.

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